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Mark Zuckerberg et Donald Trump, Game over? – Tendances Web

More than a hundred brands – including Coca Cola, Verizon, Honda, Levis and Patagonia are withdrawing their Facebook ads for the month of July, as part of a campaign to force the company to crack down on the content at issue.

The multinational Unilever – whose advertising budget in 2019 on Facebook was $ 42.4 million – goes even further, announcing a boycott until the end of the year and extending its action to Twitter.

According to Bloomberg “the loss in advertising revenue already amounts to seven billion dollars and the share price of Facebook fell 8.3% on Friday.”

This campaign was launched by a group of civil rights groups – includingAnti-Defamation League, Color of Change and the NAACP – with a full page ad in the Los Angeles Times last Wednesday, then relayed on Twitter with the hashtag #Stophateforprofit, (not hate for profit).

They accuse Facebook of being indifferent to messages inciting violence during the recent racial justice demonstrations, of designating the conservative information site Breitbart News as a “trusted source of information” and not to fight against attempts to suppress the vote.

Faced with mounting public pressure, Mark Zuckerberg released a statement on Friday promising to make a number of political and practical changes to the platform – such as “ban all content that misleads people about the when or how to vote “or” delete content, whatever the source, if we determine that it can lead to violence or deprive people of their right to vote “.

It had to strike where it hurts, on its results, for Mark Zuckerberg to act. But now, it’s too little, too late.

By refusing to censor Donald Trump’s political messages sooner, Facebook helped spread his lies and instigated violence (in exchange for assurances that his business would not be dismantled?), But it appears to have bet on the wrong horse.

As the United States is in shock from Covid-19, a recession that has put millions of people out of work and protests against police violence, all recent polls show that Trump is heading for a bitter defeat in November. Finally! a light at the end of the tunnel.

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