entertainment">“Unfortunately, I had to take in 7,000 calories every day for two weeks and then another 11,000 calories for two weeks,” he told Jimmy Fallon of preparing for his movie role. “It was fun for about an hour. It’s so hard physically.” According to Wahlberg, losing weight is a lot easier than having to gain so much. “You just don’t eat and you start exercising, but this. Even if you are full, you must eat. I had to eat every three hours, it was really no fun.”
entertainment">The actor did get help from a chef to gain weight responsibly. He made sure that while Mark was taking in high-calorie food, he also made sure that it was healthy.
entertainment">Wahlberg plays in Stu a boxer who eventually becomes a priest. Mark also gained a lot of weight for previous film roles, to then fully focus on sports again.
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