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Marisol revealed having been infected with coronavirus during the mandatory quarantine | COVID-19 | Lambayeque

Marisol, founder of ‘La Magia del Norte’, confessed to contracting the coronavirus, during the mandatory quarantine time. However, the cumbia singer regained strength to continue working from his country house in Lambayeque, because face-to-face concerts are still restricted for fear of increasing contagions.

I started to feel fever, chills, my horrible body ached and suddenly I see my mom the next day who is getting sick; on the third day, my son and on the fourth day, my dad, ”said the interpreter of “La escobita” to “Magaly TV: The Firm”.

Despite having faced the COVID-19, The popular Marisol He did not give up to continue working his lands to support his family. In these moments of pandemic, she is in his native Lambayeque, where he owns a country house or farm, located in Jayanca.

Meanwhile, so as not to leave behind his passion for music, the singer of Marisol and the Magic of the North has built a recording studio in his country house. Some days ago, he had asked the Peruvian government for help for all the people who have lost their jobs for the paralysis of concerts nationwide.


Nicole Pillman responded to Marisol’s initiative, who had requested the establishment of necessary protocols to return to face-to-face concerts. “For a few more months, there will be no concerts with an audience. You have to see other alternatives. Virtual concerts“, Considered the Peruvian artist.

It suddenly reaches her, she earns a monthly payment“Said the ‘Faraona de la cumbia’ in” Magaly Tv: La Firme “. “Music people work weekly and live from this. The sound technicians, the illuminators, the equipment technicians. Sometimes people believe that what you work goes liquid and you earn what you earn. Not so, because you have to pay people”.

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