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Marion Ravn ended up in a dramatic plane crash

Profile «Mask». Marion Raven (38) is a familiar name to most Norwegians, but his career also caught on when he toured the world with rock legend Meat Loaf.

The world famous rock star, whose real name is Marvin Lee Aday, was on tour with Ravn in 2005. At the time, the duo collaborated and is behind the hit song “It’s All Coming Back To Me Now”, released. in 2006.

Recently, however, the 38-year-old was able to reveal himself The online newspaper who experienced something very dramatic during the tour.

LEGEND OF ROCK: Marion worked with rock legend Meat Loaf.  Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

LEGEND OF ROCK: Marion worked with rock legend Meat Loaf. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
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The dramatic crash occurred on the flight from Hamburg to Manchester in June 2005. The plane Ravn and Meat Loaf were on slipped off the runway as it was about to land at Manchester airport.

News of the accident was released only sometime later, when a report on complications with the flight came out.

To the question “What is the most dramatic thing you have experienced?” from Nettavisen, Ravn replies:

– When Meat Loaf’s private plane was about to crash when we were on tour.

LAUGH SHIT: Nicolay Ramm and Marion Ravn don’t entirely agree with colleague Jan Thomas that Petter Northug is hiding behind one of the masks. Video / Reporter: Ivan Larsson.
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Too much baggage

Manchester Evening News stated at the time that the plane was overloaded with baggage. It had to be packed with 122 kg more than allowed on the private plane.

This meant that some of the luggage had to be placed in the rear seats of the plane.

The pilot was aware of the overweight situation and therefore asked the flight attendant on board to ask passengers to sit in the front seats to balance the weight. However, he was never followed.

The weight of Ravn and the other passengers, in addition to the baggage, then created the imbalance, which caused the plane to slip off the runway during landing.

The plane landed on the grass about 80 meters off the runway.

EMOTIONAL LOAD: Marion Ravn immediately begins to cry when she realizes what is about to happen. Record speed, according to the other participants. Video: TV 2
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Dead this year

The meatloaf died on January 20 this year at the age of 74. At the time, she Ravn said she was proud that the artist chose her as a duet partner for their hit single in 2005.

– (…) I am grateful to know such a nice guy, who took care of me when I traveled with him on tour at a young age, told Se og Hør, via his manager, and left:

– I have many good memories and funny stories from our time together! We have lost a great artist. My thoughts go to the family.

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