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Mario Ishii did not appear to testify and his lawyer made an unusual defense: “He does not drink alcohol, he does not smoke …”

The lawyer of Mario Ishii, Dr. Oscar Paoletti, acknowledged on Monday that the mayor of José C. Paz used a “bad expression” when he alluded to the sale of “falopa” in ambulances, but denied that type of crime in the municipality and emphasized in his innocence. Even at a press conference he surprised by arguing that “the mayor does not drink alcohol, does not smoke …”.

“The cover-up is not an autonomous figure, it needs a previous crime, so they first have to find the crime so that it has legal effectiveness,” began the lawyer, who testified in the San Martín Prosecutor’s Office in the absence of the mayor, accused by for alleged aggravated drug trafficking cover-up

Like Ishii himself, his lawyer also stated that the video was taken out of context. “It was a weekend at 5 in the morning, when the ambulance personnel stopped without warning, at a time when we suffered the bloody pandemic. In this context, the mayor has made a bad expression. Because in José C. Paz there is no cause of drugs. She is a passionate, impulsive person.“he wanted to clarify.

After reaffirming that “drugs are not sold in the ambulances of the municipality,” Paoletti defended Ishii. He said that he has known him for 20 years and that “he does not drink alcohol, he does not smoke”, as an argument.

Minutes earlier, in a radio interview, Ishii had indicated that he will not resign his position and noted that the video was “cut by the people of Cambiemos”.

“I am going to testify before the Justice without problems, it is a video cut by the people of Cambiemos”, Ishii remarked to radio Network. And he added: “Since they can’t beat me at the polls, they are looking for one of these nonsense.”

In the video, recorded on June 4, the mayor discusses with the ambulance drivers of his district and affirms: “I have to cover them when they are selling Falopa with the ambulances.”


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