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Mario Götze & his Ann-Kathrin become parents

The expectant mom shared the good news with her fans on Instagram. To do this, she combined two cute photos, which show baby bellies and the proud Bald Papa Mario. In an interview with Vogue, the pregnant woman reveals some details about this special time of anticipation: “I was really excited to see how my body would feel during pregnancy. How to change and whether you still recognized yourself.” The first few months were unproblematic, Ann-Kathrin was not plagued by nausea or other pregnancy complaints. From time to time she only had to deal with circulatory problems.

Bald-Papa Mario is already an absolute support: “He is a very positive and happy person. He motivates me to be better every day than the day before. He also takes great care to ensure that I eat a healthy and balanced diet, Do sports and sleep enough. He’s my coach now! “

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