Home » today » Sport » Mario Götze gets NRW state medals – and drops him – Cologne

Mario Götze gets NRW state medals – and drops him – Cologne

Cologne – He was by far the youngest at the award of the Order of Merit of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia on Sunday and obviously a bit nervous …

When soccer world champion Mario Götze (28) presented his badge after the event, it fell out of the box and onto the floor of the Flora terrace. An uncertain smile at the camera, quick helping hands from reporters and the good news: Nothing had happened to the star with the national coat of arms in the middle.

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (59, CDU) did not honor Götze for his football successes: “Today it’s about Mario Götze’s social commitment,” said Laschet. “And here, too, he’s at an international level.”

In the “Weitblick” initiative, Götze is committed to building schools in West Africa for projects in Madagascar, Cambodia, Indonesia and Honduras. At “Plan International” he looks after his three sponsored children in Senegal, Cambodia and Vietnam.

There is also a soccer project for girls in Brazil. In Nepal he tries to free girls from serfdom and in Uganda to prevent children from becoming infected with AIDS. “As an ambassador for the sports initiative, children need fans!” he is also committed to the opportunities and rights of children worldwide, ”said Laschet. “How he manages all of this is his secret.”

Photo: Marius Becker / dpa-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/da-war-das-sternfoermige-noch-im-eckigen-nrw-ministerpraesident-armin-laschet-ehre-ex-nationalkicker-201509093- 72530752 / image / 1.bild.jpg “/>

Since the star-shaped was still in the square: NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet honored ex-national soccer player Mario GötzePhoto: Marius Becker / dpa

The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia also remembered the TV donation gala “A Heart for Children”, at which Götze alone donated 450,000 euros for children in Laos.

The top footballer was very touched after the award ceremony. “It’s nice to receive this award beyond football,” Götze told BILD. “That honors me very much and is a very special feeling.”

The other winners

Six of the 13 award winners came from the Rhineland alone. All were honored for their social commitment.

That included Helmut Bruehl (90) from Bornheim. He headed the men’s choir “Liederkranz” Kardorf 1871 for almost 70 years.

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Ewald (63) from Cologne, who worked as a science cosmonaut on the space station.

Jochen Kienbaum (73) from Cologne. The management consultant is a member of the board of trustees of the “Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe” and chairman of the board of the “Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport” founded by him.

Ruth Kühn (83) from Siegburg has been involved in many honorary offices in the church-charitable area for decades.

Erika Meyer zu Drewer (89) from Meckenheim has been committed to children from socially disadvantaged families for over half a century.

Prof. Dr. h.c. Walter Smerling (62) from Bonn was honored for his diverse cultural activities between Bonn and Duisburg, among others.

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