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Marina Weisband: “We are overwhelmed with so much freedom”

There was also criticism that people didn’t obey the rules enough. How can you get them to comply with measures?

In the summer there was the narrative: Corona is over. The number of cases was low and people were tired of pandemics. As soon as you could, everything was opened again. There was no goal or strategy. The communication should have been like this: If we consistently stick to these numbers for a few more weeks, we can reduce Corona to zero and react with local lockdowns to every outbreak, everyone else can live normally.

Now there are extremists in the protests against the measures, as well as people who were previously inconspicuous. Where does their skepticism towards politics and the state come from?

One of the reasons is definitely that the government did not communicate optimally. She only drives on sight, has made promises that could not be kept, that leads to mistrust. Even now she promises that everything will be normal with the vaccination from summer. Most of them may not be vaccinated until next winter.

But not everyone will want that. Is it morally okay to say no?

I am against compulsory vaccination, even if I consider it absolutely right to get vaccinated. The approval rate is higher if the first

Cohorts are vaccinated. Many are skeptical because they don’t know why the vaccine was approved so quickly. Usually, for economic reasons, tests are not done simultaneously, but one after the other. This time money didn’t matter.

There are many fake vaccination campaigns out there. Why do people follow these conspiracy tales?

This is an emotional state that is accompanied by a feeling of fainting. The world is changing and complex. Some do not take it well and reduce the complexity for themselves by telling conspiracy stories. Who would believe that there is a bat gene manipulated in any market in China and that we have to shut everything down? It is difficult to explain this coincidence. People look for a pattern in everything, and our intelligence works on this basis. These people can’t stand the randomness.

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