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Marina Khlebnikova: A Journey of Tragedy and Resilience

In the 1990s, Marina Khlebnikova was one of the main stars of the national stage. Her hit “Accidental Love” was played on the radio around the clock. And the single “Cup of Coffee” made the girl a popular favorite. But behind many success stories, there are serious personal tragedies and dramas. So it happened with Marina Khlebnikova. While she sought recognition on stage, her life was shattered into pieces.

Sound engineer and bass player Anton Loginov played a key role in the growth of the singer’s popularity. When Marina was at her peak, her concert schedule included seven events a day. And all this time the girl was with Anton. It is not surprising that at some point romantic feelings flared up between them.

There were serious rumors in show business that the affair between Khlebnikova and Loginova was fictitious. According to legend, producer Bari Alibasov set up their love affair in order to keep the singer in the Integral group. And as soon as Marina found out the truth, she was speechless and did not soon come to her senses. But Khlebnikova herself subsequently denied this version of events and confidently stated that the feelings between her and the sound engineer were crystal clear.

Everything went well – Marina and Anton were together for about 10 years. Until the artist fell in love with businessman Mikhail Maidanich, the general director of the Gramophone Records recording company.

“At that time, I was in debt – I took the money to shoot the video. Maidanich repaid this debt and told me: “You don’t owe anything, it’s a gift.” For about a year we talked as friends. Misha then had a woman, and I have Anton. We came to visit and the four of us had dinner, played chess, ”Khlebnikova recalled.

Marina was shocked when she suddenly realized that she was in love with Mikhail. The businessman guessed that the popular singer had feelings, so he left his girlfriend and told Khlebnikova about it. She, in turn, quickly broke up with Anton. However, the artist’s new marriage also ended in failure. Although it all started promisingly – the couple had a daughter named Dominika. Nevertheless, there was talk that Mikhail regularly beats his wife. And after one of the quarrels, Marina even ended up in the hospital with serious injuries. But there is no confirmation of this information.

But something else is known for sure. When Maidanich started having serious problems in business, he borrowed a large sum of money in the name of his wife from Joseph Prigogine. Having learned about this only after a while, Marina was shocked by what had happened. But on “Let them talk,” Prigogine said that he harbors no evil towards the artist – he understands that she has become the same victim of a fraudster as he is. Of course, after that, the singer and the businessman could not have anything in common, so they divorced.

Surprisingly, throughout all this time, Khlebnikova continued to communicate with her first husband, whom she abandoned – Anton Loginov. The man desperately loved the artist and forgave her betrayal. Therefore, when she had a new boyfriend named Sergey, Anton reacted to this with understanding.

“A joke is a joke, but sometimes it was tempting to say that I have three husbands: Seryozhka for life, Mikhail for my daughter, and Anton for my soul,” the girl said.

Loginov and Khlebnikov were again brought together by a tragedy in the family of a sound engineer. His parents died. As a friend and comrade, Marina supported the man as best she could. It was then that they felt that old feelings were returning to them. The singer left Sergey and returned to her first love. And right after that, she became very ill. Anton became her only support and support.

“The day came when I could not even move around the apartment. Tokha literally carried me in his arms – to the kitchen, to the toilet. He cooked broths and fed with a spoon, drove to the doctors. Step by step we climbed out together, it took five years, ”said Khlebnikova.

As soon as Marina began to recover, she and Anton switched places. Her lover suffered three strokes in a very short time. Loginov’s health was seriously shaken. Along with this, depression and a sense of hopelessness came to him. Every day, the well-being of a seemingly strong man only worsened. And in the fall of 2018, a tragedy occurred – when Marina returned home, she saw that her beloved had hanged himself. He left a suicide note in which he asked no one to blame for what happened.

Anton’s suicide plunged Khlebnikov into a severe depression. From stress, the girl lost her appetite – she practically refused food and lost a lot of weight. Not too favorable appearance of the actress gave rise to many rumors that she started having problems with alcohol.

“I read fables about myself on the Internet: either Khlebnikova allegedly drinks shamelessly, or as if she made an unsuccessful plastic surgery, and it becomes ridiculously funny. A professional maxillofacial surgeon could instantly determine from my face that the surgery was not plastic, but a dentist’s mistake, forced due to an injury. And my doctor could tell you how many surgeries I had and how many stitches I had. Well, my illness hasn’t gone anywhere, and I don’t know how much I still have left. Yes, it doesn’t matter – how much, it’s important – how, ”the artist could not stand it.

It took the singer several years to recover. In 2019, for the first time in a long time, she appeared in the frame – she was invited to the Hello, Andrey program. It seemed that the life of Khlebnikova, who experienced terrible grief, was slowly beginning to improve. But then she faced a new drama. Only this time the artist herself was on the verge of life and death. On November 18, 2021, a fire broke out in the singer’s apartment on Ratnaya Street. Marina’s daughter was the first to smell the smoke and woke up, waking up her grandmother after her. They tried to get into the mistress’s room, but it was locked. Therefore, the singer’s relatives could only wait for rescuers. And when they arrived, Khlebnikova was already lying unconscious on the floor. At the hospital, it turned out that she had severe burns and smoke poisoning. At the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, the star fell into a coma.

While the doctors were taking care of the health of the victim, her fans built conspiracy theories one after another. And when a dose of alcohol equal to a bottle of wine was found in Marina’s blood, everyone immediately rushed to blame her for the fire. Since the drunk singer could fall asleep with a cigarette in her hand. However, the investigation found that damaged wiring was to blame for the tragedy.

“Only when the drywall was torn off – there are two charred black wires from an old, old halogen lamp, right on top. It’s hard when you sneeze, cough, and everything comes out black – well, yes, it’s scary. I have a 7% skin lesion, there were areas that were really badly burned. I had a transplant on my leg – it prevents me from walking, but I try to walk around it, ”said the star.

Due to the difficult physical and emotional state, the superstar of the 90s is now mainly engaged in raising her daughter and forgot about the stage for a long time.

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