Home » today » World » Marietta Zámbó’s dramatic confession: This is what she said about Jimmy’s classified autopsy report

Marietta Zámbó’s dramatic confession: This is what she said about Jimmy’s classified autopsy report

Jimmy Zámbó was 42 years old when his own gun went off in the early hours of January 2, 2001. The singer suffered such a serious head injury that he died shortly after being transported to the hospital. The family members were completely prepared, including Jimmy’s sister Marietta Zámbó, who would find out exactly what happened 23 years ago in just two years. However, he decided that he did not want to see the classified files, he believes that the person who needs to know the details and circumstances of the accident already knows.

Many years have passed and there have been practically so many theories about our brother’s death that I, for my part, am already tired of even thinking about it. For twenty-three years, everywhere I go, there is someone with a theory, and it could all be because the investigative materials were classified for some reason. This is precisely the reason why people make up everything in themselves, since of course this provision is strange. It is right to ask why this encryption was necessary, if in fact there is nothing to hide, but for now let it remain a secret, as it should be, said the For pepper. Marietta wants the encryption extended. He admitted that there was only one person who wanted him to know what was in the autopsy report.

Zámbó Marietta/ Photo: Ringier archive

For many years, it really annoyed me that the files were secret, because of course I have a picture of that terrible dawn in my head. Then this desire of mine, or rather my anger, slowly passed away. However, I saw in our mother that she suffered a lot, because living in doubt for so many years as a mother was hell itself. He never talked about it, but I could tell that he wanted the truth more than anything. To be honest, maybe that’s why he stayed with us for so long. He must have wanted to live to look into the documents. He would have deserved justice! Of course, he knows now, because he can be there with Jimmy, and our brother must have already told him every moment of that day. This knowledge is enough for me… – he said.


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