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Marie-Curie School: Open Days for an Exceptional and Inclusive Education Experience

The outdoor school, renamed Marie-Curie school, is organizing its open days on Thursday June 8 and Saturday June 10. Véronique Gardeur-Bancel, assistant delegate for school education, announces that the offer of this school group is expanding to all children, with or without pathology.

What is the added value of the Marie-Curie school, the former outdoor school?

It is focused on the well-being of the child, with an exceptional and soothing natural setting. It is made up of four classes of children with special needs (disability or pathology, editor’s note). It has an innovative project for the start of the 2023 school year: it will welcome both children with a pathology and so-called “ordinary” children, even if I don’t like this word. Besides the question of pathology, each child is different, some need more space, more calm. The objective is to meet this need.

Will the school be open to everyone?

We are on a desectorization, so that the parents to whom this philosophy speaks can enter the project. The idea is not to be limited to the Montaury and Alouettes sector, but to allow as many people as possible to benefit from this exceptional setting.

Will there be an additional class at the start of the school year?

Yes, there will definitely be an additional class of a dozen children from the “classic” school system. In the long term, the idea is to arrive at four ordinary classes and four specialized ones.

The children will not be mixed in the classes?

This is not possible for comfort reasons. There we are dealing with children with care, specific schedules, which cannot be in a classic cycle. We will of course create common times, but not on teaching times. We are moving slowly, to build something together, so that everyone is in well-being.

Doors open Thursday June 8 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday June 10 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 30 chemin du Belvédère, 30,000 Nîmes. Registration for the 2023 school year open until June 17: [email protected]. 04 66 70 80 32.

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