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Mariangela Pira: ‘From work to healthcare, here are the challenges that Covid imposes on us’

“Anno zero dC”, an essay published by Chiarelettere in which the journalist of Sky TG24 also investigates how the real economy, the world of investments and international relations will change. We anticipate a short excerpt

Healthcare will remain a key issue in the coming period. Demographics have turned the pyramid upside down. Thirty years ago it was wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, today it is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, it has become a Roman amphora, not to mention an urn.

So what? Do we plan to manage the health of millions of retirees with the queues at the GP? I do not believe.

In Italy there is the highest rate of dependence of pensioners on workers and the highest rate of social expenditure for pensions on GDP, equal to 18 percent, or double the OECD average. Will we put a sixty-two-year-old person in the refrigerator and, on average, pay his pension for another twenty years? No, 2020 has clearly demonstrated it: this person can continue to work remotely with digital, in a non-strenuous way.

I am thinking of advisory, teaching, assistance, support, organization, all jobs that could be done by a sixty-two-year-old sitting at his house, even for four hours, not necessarily eight; enhancing it, keeping it within the cycle of value production, because its experience is important. The workplace is no longer the factory. In Italy, 17.5 per cent of GDP derives from manufacturing, 80 per cent from services, 4 per cent from agriculture.


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The virus pushes us to rethink work, social security, health, school. But beware of another virus, that of Luddism. The Luddites were the ones who broke textile machines in the eighteenth century because they feared technological advancement. When technology arrives, we think it steals our work and data and we become schizophrenic: we have no problem leaving name, surname and telephone number to the barber, in spite of it, it is appropriate to say, to any legislation, but we fear the internet for a long time less and there are people capable of queuing up for an hour in the sun to avoid using a credit card at the motorway exit.

More courage is needed in the ruling class. I cite a practical example, without mentioning the names because it is a speech that is valid at least for the last twenty years: the presentation of the Immuni app. If a minister goes on national television to present an app, he must not say first: “We have preserved your privacy.”

This is fine, but I first expect you to explain what it’s for. Often, for lack of leadership and total lack of understanding of the problem, one is apologetic, almost apologizes for disturbing. Instead it should be said boldly to the citizens: «We need you, give us a hand to control this thing. So far the heroes have been the doctors, now each of you is a little hero and makes a contribution to chasing this virus ». It is necessary to put leadership on the table, not to apologize for a contribution that is proposed to give anonymously to millions of Italians who grant any personal information to Facebook or Tinder.

© Chiarelettere editore srl

Adapted from Mariangela Pira, Year zero AD, Chiarelettere, pp. 224, euro 16

The author

Mariangela Pira, a professional journalist, is host and reporter at Sky Tg24 and creator of the daily economic column # 3fattori, available on LinkedIn and in podcast. She worked at Class Cnbc, in the role of head of the China Desk and curator of windows on stock exchanges and markets for Tg5 and for Tg di La7. She was the host, in collaboration with the Foreign Ministry, of the Foreign News Dossier, a newsletter of Italian diplomacy. She continues to deal with cooperation with Terre des Hommes Italia, an organization with which she has traveled to Africa and Iraq as part of projects concerning the condition of women. He began his career at Ansa in New York and has a long experience in China. He has written, among others, for Mf Milano Finanza, Panorama, L’Espresso, and the Repubblica’s Friday. In 2019 he won the Navicella and Amerigo journalistic awards.

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