Model Marianela Valverde and her Colombian husband Juan David Carmona have been wanting to become parents for years.
Model Marianela Valverde continues to dream of becoming a mother for the first time, which is why she does not give up on undergoing any medical procedure in order to one day be able to pamper herself.
The beauty has been injecting herself again for a week to mature her ovaries, hoping that this time they will work and that some embryo will take hold.
Nela said that she went to the doctor on Wednesday and was given great news, very hopeful for both her and her husband Juan David Carmona.
Marianela Valverde continues to struggle to get pregnant
“The treatment is giving excellent results, at the moment I have nine follicles,” she posted.
She also explained that she was given a new injection that she would have to administer herself or with the help of her husband, as well as follow a new step in the fertilization process.
BEEN: Marianela Valverde gets an injection to mature her ovaries and wants to be a mother
The model and the Colombian got married in 2019 and have always wanted to be parents, but naturally it hasn’t happened for them, which is why they have been undergoing medical treatments for more than two years.
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