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Maria Wentlandt-Walkiewicz about her commentary in “Sprawie dla reportera” on TVP

  • – She told me that I should have terminated the pregnancy, that I was an irresponsible mother – said Wentlandt-Walkiewicz, mother of 8-year-old Eric
  • – I considered the consequences of Ms Ewelina’s decisions for the life of a woman and a child – Maria Wentlandt-Walkiewicz is now talking about her commentary from TVP
  • The lawyer from Lodz argues that the purpose of her comment was also to express admiration for Kopczewska, who decided to give birth to a seriously ill child. Although the patron herself would probably have made a different decision, because, as she says, she would not like to see the suffering of a child who is not helped by medicine.
  • The boy’s mother accused the lawyer of, among other things, that her son was in a television studio aware of the difficult discussion surrounding his life. According to Wentlandt-Walkiewicz, the appropriate addressees of the question about the boy’s presence during the recording of the program are Eryk’s parents
  • You can find more similar stories on the Onet.pl homepage

Maciej Kałach: On December 9, TVP broadcast an episode of “Matters for a reporter” with your commentary to Ewelina Kopczewska. This is the mother of 8-year-old Eryk, who appeared to publicize a fundraiser for the treatment of a son born with a serious heart defect. In the program you said: “This child must be helped without question. I have no objection to that as of today. But a mother who loves a child has to consider what fate she may have prepared for him. As a mother, I wonder if I would have made a different decision then. because I love my child and I would not like my child to be experimented on. ” What did you want to convey?

Maria Wentlandt-Walkiewicz: Just what I said, in a situation like this, I probably wouldn’t have had the courage and strength to make such a difficult decision as Erik’s mother. And it is good that I did not have to make such difficult decisions in my life. With this statement, I would like to express my appreciation to Ms Ewelina that despite the information about a serious defect of the fetus, which may be fatal for the child in the future – given to the woman by doctors in the 20th week of pregnancy – she did not decide to use the termination of this pregnancy. The procedure, in such a case, is perfectly legal in Great Britain. In my speech in the program, I also wondered if I – having the knowledge that Ms. Ewelina had – would be ready to make the same decision. I considered its consequences for the life of a woman and a child.

With my statement, I wanted to make mothers who are faced with a similar choice that the decision to give birth to a child with a serious incurable and life-threatening defect causes enormous suffering for the mother, but above all for the child. I would also like to express my opinion that facing such a choice, I would probably make a different decision than Ms Ewelina, because I would not like to see the suffering of my child who is not helped by medicine.

The rest of the article is available under the video:

Mrs. Ewelina understood it differently. He accuses you of being “completely insensitive”. – “She told me that I should have terminated my pregnancy, that I was an irresponsible mother,” Kopczewska said in a Monday interview with Onet.

I used completely different words. She would never express herself in the way that Ms. Ewelina now accuses me of, especially to another mother – because I am a mother myself, which I emphasized in the program. I didn’t tell Erik’s mom that she should terminate the pregnancy, I didn’t judge her. If I took part in the program that was supposed to support the fundraising, it also means that I wanted to give my “brick” in this matter.

It was my intention to admire this woman despite my disagreement. And for other women facing similar choices as Erik’s mother. Doctors from Poland also deserve respect, as – what was provided in the program – started treating this boy. Ms Ewelina, deciding not to terminate, had the knowledge that in Great Britain doctors would not take care of Erik under the local health care system. I do not understand why my words were interpreted in this way by Mrs. Ewelina.

At the time of the recording, Eryk was in the studio. “Our son understands everything, he is a smart boy” – this is another objection against you, directed by Erik’s mother.

Aside from how Erik’s mother answered my words, another question is whether the boy should be present for a conversation that he might find very difficult. However, this is a question for Erik’s parents, who made the decision themselves that the child should be present in the program.

I appear in “The Case for a Reporter” primarily as an expert, giving my opinion on matters discussed in subsequent episodes of the program. The comment we are talking about now was made aware of the differences in the legal situation of Poland and Great Britain. I believe that the composition of the audience – in this case with the participation of Ms Ewelina’s son – cannot influence my opinions, since they are to be as honest and professional as possible.

Did you talk to Erik’s mother after recording the program? Was there an opportunity to clear up your doubts?

In the conditions of television recording, especially now – related to COVID-19 – there was no such possibility. Guests change quickly, there is a great seclusion between them, the team and the experts.

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