Home » today » Entertainment » Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska was released by TVP. You have changed your mind about the vision

Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska was released by TVP. You have changed your mind about the vision

  • The first program was received on … 24 “Leningrad” receivers, because at that time there were only so many TVs in Poland
  • Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska: The temperature in the room where I was sitting reached 50 degrees. Fortunately, I was framed from the waist up … A basin with cold water saved my life
  • Immediately after leaving the vision, she was summoned to her boss’s office and given … a wolf note
  • Until her retirement, which did not retire until 1996, Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska worked as a journalist for Polish Radio
  • We remind you of the text that we premiered in Plejada in July 2021 on the occasion of TVP’s 70th anniversary
  • You can find other similar stories on the Onet.pl homepage

Polish television was just in its infancy. In 1952 it was called the Experimental Center of Television. The studio was founded in Warsaw at ul. Ratuszowa 11 at the Institute of Communications. The first television program team was also formed. In the fall of 1952, the first program aired on 25 October at 7:00 pm. It happened on the eve of the Sejm elections, which had great political importance.

At that time, a 30-minute art program was broadcast by the Telecommunications Institute with the participation of Marta Nowosad, Jerzy Michot, Witold Gruca and Jan Mroziński. This was announced by a beautiful young woman with shoulder-length hair curled in fashion and a dazzling smile: Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska. The first successful evening “Good evening, nice viewers. Today’s program will include …” – with these words, pronounced by the first Polish presenter, the activity of Polish television was officially inaugurated.

Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska. Who was the first Polish announcer to announce the end of the “Polish-Soviet friendship”?

Even though the first program lasted only half an hour, it was still considered a great achievement. It started with the song “The moon is gone, so sleep” in a lyrical interpretation by singer Maria Nowosad. After Elvis Presley’s next follower appeared on the screen – Jerzy Michotek, who performed with “Ballad o kulaku”. Eventually, the legendary Witold Gruca danced to the accompaniment of the accordion. Of course, all the shows were live and at that time no programs were being recorded and not played after editing. The studio was so cramped that there was no doubt it could fit a piano, so the singers were only accompanied by the guitar.

The first program was received on … 24 “Leningrad” receivers, because at that time in Poland there were only so many TVs. They were strategically placed in clubs and community centers so that the working class could learn about the new form of entertainment. Since the program was broadcast the day before the Sejm elections, it was clear that the authorities wanted to make television a propaganda tool from the start. At the end of the program, Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska kindly greeted the audience, wishing them a good evening.

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The birth of the TV star went well, although the first Polish announcer later confessed in one of the interviews that it was so hot in the tiny studio located in the Warsaw Communications Institute at 11 Ratuszowa Street that – in order not to faint – he held his legs in a basin full of ice water.

Until the end of his life, he remembered his debut in front of the camera, which, according to the press, turned out to be a great success. The day after her debut, articles appeared in the newspapers emphasizing that the beautiful presenter had a great career ahead of her.. It was difficult to hide that Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska had all the advantages to become a true star of the small screen.

And this for a few years, before the first Polish announcers – the unforgettable Jan Suzin and Eugeniusz Pach – debuted on the small screen in 1955. She attracted attention with her stunning beauty, she had a charming smile and excellent diction – exercised while working on the radio, which she had previously played. She was also a journalism student – modest, because, as she pointed out, she’s just an ordinary girl who just wants to do her job well. You might like it.

Fatal laxity

So what happened that Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska “disappeared from the screen as suddenly as she appeared” – as Aleksandra Szarłat writes in the book “Presenterki”? He made a slip, considered an unforgivable mistake in the eyes of his superiors and the authorities. So his departure from television took place under rather unpleasant circumstances … Indeed – in an atmosphere of scandal. And it was so …

The celebration of the month of Polish-Soviet friendship has just ended in Poland. Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska will tell about this important event, announcing its occasional program. It was a shame, however, that he misinterpreted the message due to nervousness or sheer inattention. Instead of “ending the month of friendship”, he announced “the end of the Polish-Soviet friendship”.

Apparently, the whole of Poland was laughing at it, because although the program was seen by few, the news spread like wildfire. Only the young and beautiful Maria did not laugh, because immediately after leaving the vision, she was summoned to the office of her boss and received from him … a wolf note. Fortunately, it was only banned from TV. The unfortunate announcer is back where she came from, which is on the radio.

Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska’s place in the announcer’s “quarry” in the Ratuszowa 11 studio was taken by the then popular actress Barbara Marszel, a big star of the Syrena Theater and the popular radio show “Afternoon Tea”. But the heroine of the international scandal did not leave her job in the media. As she said earlier in interviews, she just wanted to do her job well.

Until her retirement, which did not retire until 1996, Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska worked as a journalist for Polish radio. She was, among other things, the co-author of a shocking report on Wojciech Siemion’s mother and the famous show on marriage fraud. The radio archives still preserve many programs that “Masia” produced, as friends and acquaintances affectionately said of her. He died in Brok near Warsaw in 2001, just two years after his retirement. He couldn’t live without his beloved journalism.

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Maria Rosa-Krzyżanowska.

Wikipedia Polish television,

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Alexander Szarlat

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