Home » today » Health » Maria José, sister of the deceased after being vaccinated with Janssen: “We are going to claim judicially”

Maria José, sister of the deceased after being vaccinated with Janssen: “We are going to claim judicially”

“That question that the whole family ask ourselves every day. That same question that you are asking us we ask ourselves every day, why was my brother vaccinated with Janssen? What reason was there if it was known that children under 40 years it could not be put, because they put it on my brother “the sister asked of the deceased young man, Maria José, in the Public Mirror program.

“It is hell what we are going through. We are going to claim judicially” has insured Maria José. “Let them come and explain it to us. If that vaccine was not suitable for that age because they gave it to my brother. He could have waited to be vaccinated with the vaccine that belonged to him. He did not have to be vaccinated quickly. He didn’t have to be vaccinated with the Janssen. “

The Health recommendation it is do not get the Janssen vaccine to the under 40 years with some exceptions. María José “The day my brother was vaccinated, they vaccinated many of his company and all the young people. All young people, a lot of people under 40 years old. A few moments after my brother died they met us and told us that it was a cause. of the vaccine, direct cause of the vaccine What happens is that we do not have any paper that can prove it because they say that this is slow and that it would take a month to send us the papers.

“The whole family was brought together by the medical staff of the Virgen del Rocío Hospital and they told us that it is directly from the vaccine,” recalled the sister of the deceased youth in the program Espejo Público.

“It caused a stroke, it caused several thrombi and all the organs stopped, all the organs failed. The person in charge of transplants came to talk to us and told us that she could only donate the cornea of ​​the eyes because there were no organs that were well. because the vaccine had destroyed them inside “ha explained María Jesús.

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