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“María Galiana shares her career and insights at ‘La palabra a escena’ cultural event”

“La palabra a escena” is a project to promote culture organized by the Fundación Caja Rural de Utrera, which this year brings Enrique de la Cuadra on Thursday, May 4 at 8:00 p.m. to the 87-year-old Sevillian actress, María Galiana . At the cultural event, the veteran and well-known actress who has visited Utrera on other occasions to perform on stage, will give a short talk about her professional career, accompanied by the Andalusian journalist, Jesús Vigorra.

It will undoubtedly be a very rich talk in anecdotes, teachings and advice from the veteran actress who had to face many difficulties in her professional career, to which she has dedicated herself body and soul to theatre, television and cinema. But all this faced with the humor that characterizes the actress when speaking and giving off a vitality and love for her true vocation.

However, María Galiana, at 87 years old, has not always dedicated herself to acting, as she has a degree in Philosophy and Letters and for many years worked as a History teacher in various institutes. As soon as she retired, she launched into the world of acting, her true passion.

She achieved great success with the film ‘Solas’, directed by the film director from Lebrija Benito Zambrano, in 1999, a film thanks to which the brilliant Sevillian actress won the Goya award for best female performance. Since 2000 María Galiana has been a Medal of Andalusia, but fame has been achieved throughout the country with the interpretation of the touching grandmother Herminia, in the well-known television series broadcast by Spanish Television ‘Tell me how it happened’, which has been broadcast for more than of two decades, for which María Galiana has earned the love and affection of several continuous generations of Spaniards.

This cultural event will take place next week, on Thursday, May 4, at 8:00 p.m., at the ‘Enrique de la Cuadra’ Municipal Theater in Utrera. To access the event it is necessary to purchase the invitation, which is completely free, so all those interested in attending will have to request it at any of the offices of the Caja Rural de Utrera financial institution.

2023-05-03 08:52:20
#actress #María #Galiana #visit #Utrera #edition #Cultural #Cycle #palabra #escena #Utrera #date

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