Home » today » World » Margarita Popova is nominated for president – 2024-09-29 13:54:33

Margarita Popova is nominated for president – 2024-09-29 13:54:33

/ world today news/ The subscription is open for joining by civil associations, human rights and professional organizations that do not receive direct or indirect funding from governments, from the gray economy, from private foundations at home and abroad

Civil association “Association of Taxpayers in Bulgaria” promotes the candidacy of the Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria as a candidate for the President of the country. This is stated in a special statement to the media, signed by the chairman of the board of the organization, Dr. Radko Khandzhiev.

The signature is open for joining by indigenous civil associations, human rights and professional organizations that do not receive direct or indirect funding from governments and government agencies, from the gray economy, from private foundations at home and abroad.

It is open for joining by well-established civil personalities – academics, teachers, public figures, writers, publicists, scientists and artists, businessmen, military personnel, reservists; as well as from all those who yearn for the revival of our fatherland Bulgaria – regardless of their political sympathies, education, property status, social status, ethnicity, religion, etc.

Here is the full text of the declaration:


Bulgaria is again at a crossroads.


Who will we elect as president?

Whom do the parties nominate?

Or which one do we, the taxpaying citizens, name and choose?

Since the beginning of the infamous Bulgarian transition, party candidates have been nominated. It divides society. Not only because they are partisan (the term “party” itself comes from the Latin pars and means “part of the whole”). But also because the competing parties are getting bitter; in the foreground comes the compromising material, not the real merits of the candidates; authoritative public figures are smeared.

Until recently, parties used us, the taxpaying citizens, as a voting machine. But not long ago, a miracle happened: in the last elections, 51% of citizens refused to participate, the majority refused to vote for the parties. A 100,000-strong spontaneous non-party march followed in Shipka on the day of the National Day. There are other signs of the awakening of civic consciousness, readiness for united actions, awareness that we citizens-taxpayers represent “the whole”, the people, the Supreme Sovereign of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Why then can’t we, and not the parties, nominate and choose a worthy candidate in the presidential elections? He proved to be an integral personality, distanced from party stereotypes.

A person who really embodies the unity of the nation; which gathers and unites in the name of the nation.

A person who will assist in realizing the basic principles of law and justice; to restore the constitutionally guaranteed rights of citizens; the equality of all before the law; the protection of the family, motherhood and children.

A person to stop the decline of national legal consciousness; to create conditions for the effective functioning of state power in the interest of citizens and society; to assist decisively in the prevention of monopolization; as regulated in the Constitution.

A person who will guide the Bulgarian society towards the ideal written in the preamble – implementation of a democratic, legal and social state!

We believe that Vice President Margarita Popova is such a person: an intellectual with proven professional, business and moral qualities; responsive to the social problems of citizens and society; expert lawyer with 20 years of experience in the judicial system; with indisputable experience and realization as a teacher and administrator; in the cabinet, she presented herself as an expert, not as a party activist.

We believe that Margarita Popova has established authority before the international community; is able to defend national interests; to direct the country’s foreign policy in accordance with the principles and norms of international law.

Does she agree?

We haven’t asked her. But if we gather a sufficient critical mass of original civil, human rights and professional associations, of authoritative civil figures, it would hardly reject – and would not have the moral right to reject – the general citizen support, the popular nomination.

With this appeal, we are opening a signature FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INITIATIVE CITIZEN COMMITTEE to support the candidacy of MARGARITA POPOVA FOR PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA in the 2016 elections.

It is open for membership by indigenous civil associations, human rights and professional organizations that do not receive direct or indirect funding from governments and government agencies, from the gray economy, from private foundations at home and abroad.

It is open for joining by well-established civil personalities – academics, teachers, public figures, writers, publicists, scientists and artists, businessmen, military personnel, reservists; as well as from all those who yearn for the revival of our fatherland Bulgaria – regardless of their political sympathies, education, property status, social status, ethnicity, religion, etc.



Dr. Radko Khandzhiev, Chairman of the Board of

Civil association “Association of Taxpayers in Bulgaria”

Address to join the petition:

[email protected]

#Margarita #Popova #nominated #president

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