Source: Courtesy of Bioscop
Different region, different manners. Recently, it seems as if the bag with media-known defaulters has been torn apart. Among them is the popular actor Marek Taclík, who celebrated his 50th birthday on Tuesday, but unlike some others, although he owes by far the most, he at least behaves like an improved sinner in insolvency. The editors of found out how much he currently earns in the Insolvency Register.
Marek Taclík admitted earnings for playing
Recently, he has completed the series Dobré ráno, Brno!, Docent, Midnight Confession, Revír, Seven Steps to Power, as well as last year’s series Gumy and Zoo. From the movies, these are What Women Want 2 and Heart in the Palm of Your Hand. In addition, he performs in the theaters Činoherní klub and La Fabrika. In short, actor Marek Taclík is in one round.
According to new data from Insolvency register but again, it doesn’t make it that extreme. In the newly submitted tax return for the previous year Taclík states that he earned 509,719 crowns, in conversion therefore 42,476 thousand crowns per month. So no millions as one might expect.
Unlike, for example, Zdenek Godla and singer Ondřej Provazník, who due to non-payment of installments courts they want cancel debt relief (and they had debts “only” for a million and a half and the other for half a million, while Taclík for 7.2 million crowns), the insolvency administrator praised Taclík in his last report to the court for the fact that repays properly. It wasn’t always like that, he had some problems, but he sorted everything out in the end.
End and relief
His bankruptcy ends in August after exactly five years, so he would be against himself if he coughed it up just before the finish line. Then he will have peace of mind from his debts and will be able to breathe freely.
Marek Taclík owed money for social and health insurance or for a mortgage and to various loan providers, and he also cheated his own cleaning lady out of money, which he did not deny in any way. In order to have peace of mind about insolvency and at least some regular and secure income, he also got a job in a certain company for inferior money. And thanks to that and proper repayment, he will soon be able to relax.
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2023-05-10 10:38:00
#Actors #dont #television #theater