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Mardani Maming Not Cooperative, KPK Will Issue DPO


KPK will include former Tanah Bumbu Regent Mardani H Maming to the wanted people list (DPO). This was done because Mardani Maming was considered uncooperative after the KPK failed to pick him up forcibly.

“We also need to convey that suspects who are not cooperative according to the criminal procedure law, the KPK can carry out forced pick-ups and can gradually issue DPOs which we will publish openly to the public,” Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri told reporters on Monday (25/25). 7/2022).

For information, Mardani Maming is a suspect in the alleged corruption case of mining business permits. The KPK also appealed to Mardani Maming to immediately fulfill the KPK’s summons.



“KPK welcomes suspect to convey their legal rights in front of the Investigative Team so that the handling of this case can be resolved immediately,” said Ali.

Ali also appealed to the public to help the KPK in investigating this case. Residents who know information about Mardani Maming are asked to inform the KPK or other law enforcement officials.

“So that anyone in the community who knows the whereabouts of the suspect can make an arrest or inform directly to the KPK or the competent authorities,” said Ali.

Ali hopes that the KPK’s efforts to uncover this case can be carried out efficiently and effectively. This is to provide legal certainty to the suspect, namely Mardani Maming.

“Because we all hope that the eradication of corruption can be carried out effectively and efficiently while still upholding the principles of human rights and justice,” said Ali.

“So that the alleged corruption crime can be immediately proven and provide legal certainty to the suspect himself,” he continued.

KPK Warns about Obstacles in Investigation

On that occasion, Ali also warned the public about actions that tried to hide Maming’s whereabouts. According to him, this is an act of obstruction of the investigation.

“We also remind anyone that the law is prohibited from obstructing the investigation process that we are currently carrying out by deliberately hiding the whereabouts of the suspect,” said Ali.

Ali said there would be criminal threats to those who try to obstruct the investigation. This is a criminal act as stated in Article 21 of the Law on the Crime of Corruption.

“Because of that, he is threatened with a crime as stated in Article 21 of the Corruption Act,” he concluded.

Force Invite Failed

Previously, KPK investigators attempted to forcefully pick up Mardani Maming. However, during a search of one of the apartments in the Jakarta area, Maming was not found.

Ali said the KPK had sent a second summons to Mardani to attend on July 21, 2022. However, Mardani was not present so he was considered uncooperative.

“From a search activity at an apartment in Jakarta today, (25/7) the information we received, the KPK team has not found the suspect in the said place,” said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri, Monday (25/7/2022).

It is known that the KPK is investigating allegations of corruption (TPK) in the form of bribery and gratification for granting mining business permits. So far, the case is still under investigation.

The KPK said that Mardani Maming was suspected of receiving money worth Rp. 104 billion in the case of alleged corruption in mining business licensing in Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan, in 2021-2022.


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