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Marco Schuitenmaker: From Guardian Angel to Success in Music

With almost 25 million streams on Spotify, Marco Schuitmaker has met Guardian Angel take a big hit. His new single will be released on Thursday: Summer night in Greece.

The nicest thing Guardian Angel has brought him so far is the performance in front of 40,000 people during 538 King’s Day. “When you get on that stage and all those people sing along, that was a highlight,” says Schuitenmaker in an interview with ANP.

The 24-year-old from Groningen is not busy surpassing the success of his hit Guardian Angel. “I don’t think that’s the most important thing. As long as my music is appreciated and people like it, then it will all continue. If you start focusing too much on something that has a second Guardian Angel should be, then you get stuck in your head,” he says. “If your gut tells you that this is it, then you have to listen to it,” says Schuitenmaker.

Also the success of Guardian Angel owes the singer to following his feeling, he says. Not everyone around him was thrilled with the idea of ​​covering the 1976 song. “People at the music studio advised me not to do it,” says Schuitmaker. “That made me doubt and the song was on the shelf for another six months. Then I released it anyway and learned to always follow my gut.”

Thanks to his down-to-earth, Groningen upbringing, he can put it all into perspective, he says. “I was brought up with normal values, don’t be too crazy and just live your life. But everything has changed, my whole world has changed. Still I try to stay as close to myself as possible. If you try to pretend to be different than you are, then you won’t last.”

2023-07-06 09:04:19
#Marco #Schuitmaker #scored #hit #Engelenbewaarder #feeling #Music

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