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Marco Liorni has a beautiful daughter: have you ever seen her?

Marco Liorni, the message for his daughter on social media is striking: the conductor’s dedication is really sweet. The man wanted to make a special wish to the girl, on a very important day.

The host has always been very reserved about his private life, so much so that when he got married the second time he didn’t tell anyone. Marco Liorni has three children and one of them, today, has reached a special milestone.

photo Ansa

We all know him for some of his most successful programs such as Italy Yes e Chain reaction. The summer quiz again this year is having a great success and it seems that the conductor is one of the fundamental ingredients for the very high approval of the public.

It does not end here, because for Liorni it seems they exist big plans for next season television. First of all, during an interview he confessed that Chain Reaction, for the first time, this year will be extended until October 30th. It had never happened before and Marco will certainly be very proud of his success.

Marco Liorni, the dedication for his daughter amazes: it is very sweet

If the professional side of the conductor is known to all, the same cannot be said for the private one. Marco it has always held us very much to his privacy, even if some details are now known. We know that he was married for the first time to a woman named Cristina, with whom he had the first-born Nicolò.

Today the boy is 21 years old and study at the university. Not much is known about him because, says his father, he has a very bad relationship with social media, so much so that he does not use a smartphone but an obsolete model of telephone. Liorni then remarried in 2014 with Giovanna Astolfi; their marriage was kept secret until the following year and took place in complete secrecy in the United States.

From his second union I am daughters Emma and Viola were born. Her second child recently turned 18 and her father Marco shared a photo of her on her Instagram profile, dedicating very profound words to her.

Never lose that look at things and on people… know how to recognize what is true from what is corrupt”Wrote Liorni posting a photo of the beautiful girl.

marco liorni
Instagram story and Ansa photos

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