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Marcin Kącki leaves “Gazeta Wyborcza” by mutual agreement. He announces lawsuits – Press.pl

06.08.2024, 11:55

Marcin Kącki has so far been suspended and removed from working with the authors. He is writing a book about his story (photo Leszek Szymański/PAP)

The management of the editorial office of “Gazeta Wyborcza” announced that it is parting ways with its long-time journalist Marcin Kącki. The reason is said to be Kącki’s and the editorial office’s disagreements over the findings of the editorial committee investigating the circumstances of his article, in which he described his life and weaknesses. The journalist announces lawsuits against those who lied and manipulated in his case.

Marcin Kącki has so far remained suspended in connection with his article “My journalism – alcohol, failed therapies, badly loved women, neglected daughters and fear of the dawn”, which was published on January 5 this year on the Wyborcza.pl website.

The storm surrounding Marcin Kącki’s text

Initially, the text was promoted by the management of the “GW” editorial office. Aleksandra Sobczak, deputy editor-in-chief, recommended Kącki’s text in the daily’s newsletter: “The article has only one flaw – it should be a book. I would give it as a gift to all my colleagues,” wrote Sobczak.

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Bartosz T. Wieliński, deputy editor-in-chief of “GW”, appealed on January 5 on portal X: “Dear ones, I have a request for you. Read this text by Marcin Kącki. To the end”. On the other hand, Mariusz Szczygieł, president of the Reportage Institute Foundation and a former long-time reporter for “GW”, indicated in a comment: “It should be appreciated when someone strips naked for the benefit of others. This text is a gift for many people in a similar situation. It can help them understand something. I always respect such confessions that can serve others”.

The storm around the text erupted after “Newsweek Polska” journalist Karolina Rogaska reported on Facebook that she had been molested by Kącki. “Marcin, if you were so honest in your text, why didn’t you write directly what you did to me and other girls? Why didn’t you write that you treated my repeated NO as if it hadn’t happened, why didn’t you say to me that ‘now you refuse, and after you’re 30 you won’t be so picky and you’ll fuck wherever you want’? How did you consider it appropriate to undress and masturbate despite my obvious horror? Disgusting behavior,” wrote Rogaska.

After this social media post, Kącki was criticized in a storm. At that time, Mariusz Szczygieł also reported that the Polish School of Reportage had previously removed Kącki from working with PSR students after reports of his inappropriate behavior.

The editorial staff of “Wyborcza” part ways with Kącki

After the publication of the PSR statement, accusations against Marcin Kącki appeared that his text was a pre-emptive move intended to protect him from the consequences of revealing a situation involving the inappropriate treatment of women.

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“GW” removed the article from the Wyborcza.pl website and issued a statement in which it said that Marcin Kącki had been suspended and removed from working with the authors as an editor. The editorial office announced that it would clarify the matter.

On Monday, August 5, the deputy editors of “GW” Roman Imielski, Bartosz T. Wieliński and Aleksandra Sobczak published a statement in which they informed that, together with Marcin Kącki, “We have jointly decided that our further cooperation is not possible”. The management explained in the statement: “The commission appointed by Agora SA (publisher of “Wyborcza”) dealt with the public accusation of Marcin by Karolina Rogaska of sexual abuse. The findings contained in the report on the work of this commission, as well as its recommendations, in accordance with the rules in force in the Agora Capital Group, will remain confidential, but they did not influence our personnel decisions”.

The reason for the parting of ways of the editorial staff of “GW” with Kącki is said to be the findings of the editorial committee investigating the circumstances of the creation of his article. “We also conducted a detailed second verification procedure, within the editorial office – at Marcin’s request – regarding the circumstances of the creation of the text. The results of the editorial committee’s work were presented to Marcin. Since in their case we differ significantly in their assessment, we jointly decided that our further cooperation is not possible. The reason for ending the cooperation is solely editorial issues” – the heads of “GW” assure in a statement.

Kącki announces lawsuits

In January, Marcin Kącki assured “Presserwis” that his article had been read, checked and accepted by editors before it was published. “The text was also supposed to appear in the paper edition next week, next to Mariusz Szczygieł’s text about the work of a reporter,” Kącki told us.

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Yesterday, Marcin Kącki did not comment, but referred to his Facebook post. He noted that his article was a “literary warning against the extremes of cultural wars”, but “many saw a hidden meaning in it, an inability to say sorry, narcissism – I understand that cultural revolutions need to defend their dogmas, but I will stick to my guns, forever. I am also certain that “Wyborcza” will be even more empathetic without me, more sensitive to these wars and social revolutions, more cautious in formulating literary phrases, which I will probably never learn, hence our decision to part ways,” Kącki wrote.

The journalist announces lawsuits. “Too many people have tampered with the cesspool valves and spilled them between me and my newspaper to be able to cross this moat. Our decision to part ways did not include the reasons you could read about in the lies and fantasies on social media – harassment of colleagues from the editorial office, mobbing, violent behavior, exploitation of the superior’s relationships, because there was no such behavior on my part. That is why I am now going to court to fight with people who wanted to make a name for themselves by tampering with these cesspool valves and one thing makes me happy – you go to court with facts and evidence, not with insinuations and likes, which will be at least surprising for many, if not very unpleasant,” Kącki adds in his post.

Marcin Kącki began his journalistic career over 20 years ago in the Poznań branch of Gazeta Wyborcza. In 2003, he revealed the molestation of Poznań Boys’ Choir members by Wojciech Krolopp. In 2007, 2010, and 2011, he was nominated seven times for the Grand Press award in the categories: News, Reportage, and Investigative Journalism. In 2007, he received the title of Journalist of the Year, as well as the Grand Press award in the investigative journalism category for the famous article “Work for Sex in Self-Defense”. He is the author of journalistic books, the latest of which – about cancel culture – he is currently writing.

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(MAK, 06.08.2024)

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