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Marcin Hakiel Reveals Behind-the-Scenes of Breakup with Katarzyna Cichopek: Hiring Detectives and Love Confessions

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Marcin Hakiel decided to give another interview in which he revealed the behind-the-scenes of his breakup with Katarzyna Cichopek. The dancer told, among others: about hiring private detectives. He also stated that he loved his ex-wife until the end.


Marcin Hakiel

They have been the subject of media publications for many months now. It’s no secret that since the breakup

with Katarzyna Cichopek

the dancer regularly provides the tabloids with new material. The celebrity has often shared his personal confessions with Instagram followers, and also gave several high-profile interviews in which he opened up, among others:

about the breakdown of his marriage to Cichopek.

The media also closely followed the dancer’s love life, including his now ended relationship with Dominika. Recently, there have been rumors that Hakiel has already met a new love. The paparazzi caught the dancer while he was exchanging affection with a mysterious brunette. Later, he also showed a photo of the woman on Instagram.

See: Marcin Hakiel CONFIRMS a relationship with a mysterious brunette? He took her to meet his 10-year-old daughter. “Esmeralda” (PHOTOS)

Marcin Hakiel on the breakdown of marriage. He talked about hiring detectives

Finally, the time has come in Marcin Hakiel’s life for a performance that is obligatory for many Polish celebrities

in the Journalist’s podcast.

The episode featuring the dancer debuted on the network on Sunday. Of course, there was also his story

marriages from Cichopek.

The journalist devoted a significant part of the interview to

the breakup of the celebrity couple’s relationship.

For example, the podcaster brought up the topic

Hakiel hired private detectives,

who were supposed to help him

in discovering his wife’s alleged infidelity. The interviewer asked Hakiel directly

what happens in the head of a man who decides to take a similar step.

At some point it’s like you don’t know what’s going on

and attempts at conversation generally do not go in such a constructive direction.

(…) I was walking with my friends and I thought, okay, I need to find out (…).

I wouldn’t recommend this to my worst enemy

– replied the dancer.

In the interview, Hakiel talked about visits to detective agencies. As he admitted,

most of the detectives he met looked strikingly like Krzysztof Rutkowski

and tried to convince him that she would change his life. Finally, thanks to friends, the dancer found the right specialists who approached his case slightly differently.

The rest of the article is below the video

Małgorzata Tomaszewska asked about Cichopek and Kurzajewski. This is how she reacted


(…) “Okay, Marcin, we’ll see this and that, after a day or two you’ll say what you want.”

On the third day it turned out that it was thicker than I thought and I had to somehow finish it and find out

– he told the Journalist.

In the conversation, Hakiel openly admitted that

until he saw “these photos”,

he couldn’t believe what the detectives had discovered.

He also revealed that he had feelings for Cichopek until the end.


You know, somewhere I loved her until the end, when I filed for divorce, I probably still loved her.


when you see certain things and at home someone tells you “no, no, no”… What are you left with?

Well, you don’t have much left, you have to clean it up. At the end, I felt like I was cleaning up someone else’s mess

(…) – he added in the podcast.

The journalist decided to ask Hakiel when exactly he decided to hire detectives. Recall that the dancer and his ex-wife announced their separation in March last year. Hakiel was to hire detectives

at the end of January.

In the conversation, the celebrity mentioned that Fr

a “weak period” when “you had to find out everything.”

He also talked about negotiations at the law firm – claiming that he and Kasia did not immediately reach an agreement.

At some point, there are no more lies, because what’s on the table is what’s on the table, and you start talking normally.

After 17 years you find out that the person you lived with is someone else, but that’s fine, you move on, you have to get along.

If we didn’t have children, it would be easier

– he said.

Hakiel talks about the breakup again. He mentioned Cichopek and Kurzajewski

Hakiel did not hide

that parting was not easy for him.

As he admitted,

he was “run over”

and it was hard for him to come to terms with the fact that there would no longer be the main pillar in his life, his family. Guesting on the Journalist podcast, Marcin Hakiel also revealed that thanks to children

knows what is happening in the life of Cichopek and her new partner


“what is reality and what is Instagram”.

As Hakiel admitted, initially he had the feeling that

that after 17 years of living together with Cichopek, they should have clarified some things.

Today, however, there is no such need. Answering the Journalist’s next question, the celebrity said that

he wanted to talk to his wife about the alleged betrayal,

she, however, was not to be willing to do so. As he said, when Cichopek asked what was happening,

she was supposed to claim “nothing”.

I wanted to talk about it, she said no. There’s nothing to talk about

– he said in the podcast.

Hakiel told Żurnalista that he and Cichopek lived together for about 2-3 weeks before the celebrity moved out of their house. As he said, at that time they could only talk in the evenings, when their children were already asleep

and it was supposedly “hardcore”.

The dancer also mentioned a third party involved in the case, suggesting that it was Kurzajewski, with whom he had the opportunity to work on “The Couple’s Cup”. The dancer said,

that he tried to contact a journalist,

but he never answered his phone.

Do you appreciate that Hakiel spoke again?

Source: pudelek.pl

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2023-10-08 11:45:00
#talked #hiring #detectives #turned #thicker #thought #pudelek.pl

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