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March, will be a cursed start of Spring! Now we tell you why we risk so much..

Spring at risk

In recent months we have experienced truly abnormal weather conditions, with an almost total absence of cold spells and snow, if not for rapid disrupted blitzes, as well as with temperatures often above average.

The risk now is that the start of next season (from a meteorological point of view will be the 1st March) can be characterized, on the contrary, by a late frostIn short, we fear a cursed start to Spring.

In the coming weeks, according to the latest updates from the European weather center (ECMWF), we will have to deal with extreme atmospheric stability, with very little rainfall and temperatures well above average. But be careful, this does not mean that the cold is now just a distant memory. In fact, powerful meridian exchanges cannot be excluded (from North to South) with quick ones break-ins dal North Pole right up to our country, just in the month of March.
It also happened in the recent past: you will remember 2018 with the neve which made its appearance in several cities, including Milano, Rimini, Napoli e Firenze.

A decisive role will play it polar vortex: in fact, just at the end of Winter (between February and March) it could literally fall apart, piloting icy currents as far as the Mediterranean and therefore also over Italy.
Such a situation would result in serious problems especially for agriculture and for the vegetation which, after a mild winter, are already “ahead” (so much so that the first buds and flowers are appearing). A late frost would have some devastating consequences is both from a natural and from an economic point of view.
Well, broadening our gaze to the entire hemisphere we can see how already at the start of March, as the map below shows, a icy impulse, of continental arctic extraction (from Russia) capable of causing a real drop in temperatures especially in the North and on the Adriatic regions, which are more exposed to the impact of these air currents arriving from the Northeast.

Possible cold outbreak at the beginning of March
Subsequently, a minimum depression could be dug on our seas capable of causing precipitation with jibs up to low altitude in the Center North.
However, we will be able to return to this aspect in the next updates to better understand the extent of the incoming cold mass and its duration.

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