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March 31, Commemorating the Death of Isaac Newton, Father of World Physics

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Physicist sir Isaac Newton born January 4, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England and written December 25, 1642 while using the old Julian calendar. He died on March 31, 1727, buried in Westminister Abbey.

In 1687, Newton published his most famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Principles Mathematics Natural Philosophy), which has been called the most influential book on physics. In 1705, he was knighted by Queen Anne of England, making him Sir Isaac Newton.

Newton began his own life when he was born as an orphan, because his father died three months before he was born. And his mother Hannah Ayscough remarried when Newton was three years old.

Young Isaac Newton initially attended the King’s School in Grantham, Lincolnshire and became one of the best students, but his mother decided to drop him from school to take care of the plantation. Due to Newton’s disinterest in plantations and the principal’s persuasion of Newton’s mother, he was successfully sent back to school.

Entering the lecture period, Newton studied at Cambridge and mastered mathematics, science and physics. The beginning that brought Newton to be one of the scientists whose discoveries influenced the civilization of world science.

Newton’s discoveries in mathematics, namely Generalization of the Binomial Theorem, Newton’s Identity, Newton’s Method, Polynomial of degree three in two variables, Great contribution to finite difference theory, use of Fractional Indices, Geometry used to solve solutions of Diophantine equations and Finding new formulas for pi.

Read: Isaac Newton Predicts Doomsday In 2060

Although a mathematical genius, Newton seemed to be more interested in physics. His discoveries in physics were used as benchmarks to this day, which are often familiar to this day. Newton’s discoveries in physics, namely:

1. Optics.

Newton made great strides in the field of optics. Newton developed his discovery of the spectrum by separating white light through a prism.

2. Telescope.

There were many developments he made in the telescope, but his work was widely criticized by Hooke,

3. Mechanics and Gravity.

In his phenomenal book Principal Mathematica, Isaac Newton explains the three laws of motion by determining the frame of reference for modern physics, including explaining the motion of a planet.

Of all the discoveries of Isaac Newton, the theory of mechanics and gravity which made Newton’s name known to the world to this day. This theory is used as a reference for learning in high school and as a reference for scientists to make new discoveries.


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