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Marcelo Ferreira, the capoeira teacher who has made “the song of the…

dream that your theme succeed in the bares And in the verbenas during the next sanfermines. rhythm has. He evokes the sambas of his Brazil and it is not difficult to imagine it playing at full volume in the bars of the Old Town o between the afternoon music that he City hall wants to click on the bars of the Castle plaza (if they finally put on).

The artist Marcelo Ferreiraalong with his band Tamborimbauis the author of this theme that is titled ‘May Water‘ and whose video clip has been recorded in the streets of the Old Quarter of the capital.

Ferreira fantasizes that his song is “the song of the sanfermines“, but not “for fame”. In fact, Ferreira triumphed in the world of boxingis a renowned professor of Capoeira and participated in the thirteenth edition of the ETB contest ‘El Conquistador del Fin del Mundo’ as captain of the blue team. He would like it to succeed because the song was composed with a much more social purpose. “It’s a tribute to Navarre and to the Navarrese who have welcomed me so well in their land since I arrived more than 30 years ago. Also, if the song generates some money, I will donate it to Saray, the Navarra Breast Cancer Association.

And he continues to fantasize about being able to sing it on stage during the holidays. “It would mean that the song has triumphed and that I will be able to help Saray with more money,” she says.

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