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Marc Van Ranst critical of current corona policy: “Support …


Virologist Marc Van Ranst has been very critical on Twitter about the current (or lack of) corona policy. According to him, the support for the measures has been ‘deliberately’ wiped away. “This is recipe for disaster, damn high time for action!” Marc Noppen, lung specialist and director of UZ Brussel, also wonders why no one sets a clear course. “We hear the helmsmen and the ship’s cook, but there is no trace of the captain.”

Arthur De Meyer, Eline VandeGehuchte

Yesterday at 8:59 PM-

“Just at a time in the epidemic when tough decisions should be made, policymakers are deadlocked we are tired of itmode and hun we-must-learn-to-live-with-the-virus-message.” Van Ranst’s tweets are fairly unambiguous. According to the virologist, the situation is particularly serious. For example, an “avalanche of open letters (…) has deliberately wiped away support for the corona measures”. This, in combination with delayed policy – due to very long staffing – is a “recipe for disaster”.

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No clear course

Marc Noppen, pulmonologist and director of UZ Brussel, is also unhappy about the lack of a corona policy. “At the beginning of the epidemic, during the first peak crisis, the goal was relatively simple: to avoid situations such as in Italy and to focus on our care capacity. That was a clear goal and everyone aligned with it, ”he says. “Now we are in a kind of post-critical phase, the acute phase seems to be over, but the virus is certainly not gone. The clear goal is gone. ”

According to Noppen, it is crucial to chart a clear course during this period. “That has to be done by one strong voice. Not one day by the helmsmen and the next by the ship’s cook, but by the captain, ”he says. In Canada, Trudeau addressed the population 85 times in televised speeches in 120 days. With us you hear a lot of different voices, precisely because there is a lot of ambiguity from the policy, and that causes confusion and indifference among the population. ” Because the flu season is also coming, action must be taken quickly, Noppen emphasizes. “There will soon be more and more confusion about this too, it is up to policy to inform the population about this.”

“And then the epidemic does what epidemics usually do when they get a chance: the epidemic explodes and the curve goes up very quickly,” Ranst concluded on Twitter. The numbers don’t lie. More than 1,000 infections were confirmed in one day last Friday. The seven-day average has increased to 746.3. That is an increase of no less than 51 percent compared to the week before. All this together, Van Ranst calls “a recipe for disaster” and “damn high time for action!”

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