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Marc-Marie Huijbregts shares bad experience with bank employee about his voice

Marc-Marie called the bank for something relatively simple, accounting wise. But it ended in an unpleasant experience for him. At the beginning of the conversation, the bank employee already called him ‘madam’ once. Then Marc-Marie corrected her already: “Sir.” Then the bank clerk said, “Oh.”

Then the woman on the phone made another mistake. “Again, it’s sir,” Marc-Marie said. The employee didn’t seem to want to understand, because she asked if Marc-Marie was calling for his husband. “No, I am a gentleman myself,” replied the comedian. “But I hear a woman”, said the woman on the other side.” “Wow”, says Aaf Brandt Corstius.

“It happens to me more often that people react and say that they had not heard it. But I have never experienced this reaction,” Marc-Marie continues. Then the conversation got a bit more difficult between the two. Marc-Marie demanded to speak to another colleague. “Someone who is more empathetic.” After half an hour on hold, he was told, “I’m not going to help you because I don’t trust you. I hear a woman.”

The comedian was (rightly) upset. “I didn’t know what to say. It’s 2022. It was also just a very innocent thing about accounting. She just hung me up.” Because Marc-Marie had put something on Twitter, he did receive an apology call from ABN AMRO. “But I thought it was so stupid. I thought it was so bad.”

You can hear the fragment in question that Marc-Marie shares here back.

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