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Marc-André Blanchard’s “unique profile” praised by the CEO of the Caisse de dépôt

The CEO of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), Charles Émond, praised the “unique profile” of the former Canadian ambassador to the United Nations and former president of the Liberal Party of Quebec, Marc-André Blanchard, to justify his hiring in the management committee.

“He has a unique network in the world with different governments and with different investors, he is known throughout Quebec, he can help Quebec companies go abroad and vice versa, he can bring foreign investors. who want to come to Quebec, ”he explained during his visit to the National Assembly on Monday as part of the study of the appropriations.

“We are reaching a certain critical size at the Caisse [et] we must have someone who has experience, international contacts ”, also specified Charles Émond, adding wanting to“ bring together ”the international offices of the Caisse thanks to“ strong leadership in Montreal. “.

Asked by the member for Québec solidaire Vincent Marissal on his links with Marc-André Blanchard, who was the CEO of the McCarthy Tétrault law firm from 2010 to 2016, the CEO of the Caisse said he had met him only once. in the past.

“I am pretty sure that Scotiabank (his former employer) was dealing with McCarthy-Tétreault as with all major law firms,” ​​said Charles Émond. Personally, I have never done a file with Mr. Blanchard, never. ”

A little over a month after Canada’s failure to secure a place on the United Nations Security Council, Marc-André Blanchard, who until recently represented the country to the international organization, had already secured a new job at the Caisse, revealed the “Journal de Montréal” at the end of July.

He will be appointed to the Caisse’s management committee, so that he will report directly to the CEO, Charles Émond. In this position, he will be responsible for the international activities of the institution, which has 10 offices around the world.

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