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Marathon is ready to debut in the Concacaf League – Diario Deportivo Más

Prosecutors investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of soccer player Diego Maradona on November 25 began this Monday to take testimonial statements from 13 witnesses, according to judicial sources confirmed to Efe.

The statements to the witnesses, which are produced in the General Prosecutor’s Office of San Isidro, in the province of Buenos Aires, are made after last June the testimony of the seven defendants in the case was completed, to whom they were He is investigating “simple homicide with eventual intent”, a crime that provides a penalty of between 8 and 25 years in prison.

Those accused by the Argentine Justice are the neurosurgeon Leopoldo Luque, the psychiatrist Agustina Cosachov, the psychologist Carlos Ángel Díaz, the doctor who coordinated the home hospitalization Nancy Forlini, the coordinator of the nurses Mariano Perroni, and the nurses Ricardo Omar Almirón and Dahiana Gisela Madrid.

Maradona suffered from alcohol addiction problems, had been admitted to a clinic in La Plata on November 2, 2020 due to anemia and dehydration and a day later he was transferred to a sanatorium in the Buenos Aires town of Olivos, where he was operated on by a subdural hematoma.

On November 11, he was discharged from hospital and moved to a house in a private neighborhood on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, where he died on November 25.


The first witnesses to testify are nurses who worked the first days and weekends in the house in the private neighborhood. This Monday is the turn of Cinthia Elizabeth Córdoba -in addition, a partner of Perroni- and Daiana Loreley Cáceres; and on Wednesday Aldo Nelson Arnez Zenteno and Tamara Débora Mansilla will declare.

On Thursday it will be Nelsa Marlin Pérez, who is the head of nursing at the Medidom company to which the nurses belonged and is Perroni’s superior.

Then it will be the turn of the person who performed the kinesiology work with the idol, Nicolás Taffarel, of whom audios sent to Luque had been broadcast eight days before Maradona’s death where he warned him that he was “very swollen.”

On Friday, two cardiologists proposed by Luque’s defense are summoned: Sebastián Nani, head of Cardiology at the Olivos Clinic, and Oscar Franco, from the Ipensa clinic in La Plata.

On August 9, three witnesses from the surroundings of Maradona’s former lawyer Matías Morla were summoned. They are Federico Gallegos who, an expert in telephony, and Sebastián Sanchi and Edgardo Moreno, both in charge of the press.

For August 11, the psychiatrist José Capece and the sociologist and expert in mental health and addictions Ignacio O’Donnell, proposed by Cosachov’s defense, were scheduled.

The charges and statements are made after the report of a medical board made up of eleven experts was presented in May, which evaluated the circumstances of the star’s death and concluded that the performance of the health team that assisted Maradona was “inadequate, deficient and reckless ”, and that he left“ the patient’s state of health to fate ”.

An autopsy on the body of the former captain and former Argentine national team determined that he died as a result of “acute lung edema secondary to exacerbated chronic heart failure.”

They also discovered a “dilated cardiomyopathy” in his heart.


Morla was removed last week from the cause of Maradona’s death as a lawyer for the star’s sisters – who are part of the file as injured individuals – at the request of the daughters of ‘El 10’, Dalma and Gaianinna Maradona.

This Sunday Morla and Maradona’s sisters gave an interview where they criticized the star’s daughters.

Dalma and Gianinna together with Verónica Ojeda, Dieguito Fernando’s mother, decided to publish a statement against the lawyer Morla.

“We agree and we fervently believe that it is appropriate for (Morla) to be removed from the cause of San Isidro, where the death of our father is being investigated, and to be deeply and seriously investigated by the Justice,” according to the text they shared on Instagram.

The text began by saying that those who make up “the succession of Diego Maradona” are “all in agreement and convinced that Mr. Matías Morla has nothing to do with the brands, name and image” of Maradona, “which belonged to him and by right now to his heirs.

The other children of the star Diego Junior and Jana Maradona also published on Instagram statements in the same sense, but different. EFE (HN)

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