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Marangon case: Ayahuasca detected in blood

Alex Marangon comes from Marcon near Venice, but worked as a waiter in Kaltern. Marangon disappeared on the night of June 29th to 30th. His body was only found days later in the Treviso area.

From the beginning, his death raised many questions. Investigators had assumed that Marangon had taken part in an ayahuasca ritual in the Santa Bona di Vidor monastery and had consumed mind-altering substances. This assumption has now been confirmed. The toxicologist from Trieste, Donatella Favretto, has detected the substance in Marangon’s blood.

Ayahuasca is a plant decoction that is used in shamanic rituals in several South American countries and induces trance states. Such rituals are also offered in the West. Psychotherapists are exploring the use of ayahuasca for certain disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder or persistent depression.

The Fall of Marangon

The Trieste Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the suspected killing. Participants in the ritual had stated that Marangon had moved away from the group, which was singing and meditating. The subsequent search was unsuccessful. At 7 a.m. they called the rescue service, whose search remained unsuccessful until July 2.

The autopsy was carried out on July 5. Forensic pathologist Alberto Furlanetto found deep injuries that made a fall or suicide unlikely. An on-site inspection by the fire department also found no broken branches at the spot where Marangon might have fallen from the monastery wall.

Therefore, a homicide is suspected.

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