The Malagasy Minister of Communication and Culture and the government spokesman at least celebrate the “i”.
Letter from the MCC. “The first duty of a professional journalist is to intercept information before it is published. ” This is what the Minister of Communication and Culture (MCC), Mara Volamiranty Donna reminded the director of publication of the Gazette des Comoros in her letter dated October 26, 2024. Just the next day of publication in the daily newspaper Archipelago of the article with the title “Tensions between Comoros and Madagascar: Moroni rejects head of Malagasy diplomacy.
Free verification. The minister draws attention to a specific section in this article which states “recovery of gold bars that Malagasy negotiators say belong to the father-in-law of the Malagasy President”. According to the government member, “This accusation from the Gazette des Comoros is unfounded and is a unique confirmation, as three people of Malagasy and Comorian nationality, whose names are known, have already been arrested and then sentence by the Comorian authorities, in the framework of this case of trade in gold bars from Madagascar”.
Attack dignity. The government spokesman categorically denies the allegation made by that newspaper, stressing that “The person mentioned in the article has no problems with the Malagasy or Comorian justice system.” For the head of the MCC, “These assertions, which are based on speculation, not only mislead public opinion but also damage the honor and reputation of the people mentioned, especially His Excellency the President The Republic of Madagascar and its family as well as the Malagasy authorities.
Formal correction. By repeating that “The rigor of verifying information that is a professional commitment to any journalist has not been respected”. asked the minister “a formal correction of this correct point of the article Friday October 25, 2024, in particular to reject, as soon as possible, according to the legislation in force and to consider the publication of the right of response of the victim, without prejudicing the rights of that person, to resort to any form of compensation they deem appropriate.
Correct answer. That newspaper published yesterday the right of reply through which that person agrees with the article: “I, as a Malagasy citizen and in the name of the integrity of my family, would like to provide the following clarifications. The information presented in this article, linking my name to this transaction, is completely inaccurate. I, Rodolphe Razakandisa, have no connection directly or indirectly with this case. I definitely reject these baseless and unproven accusations, which greatly undermine my honor and the honor of my family. My family respects the laws and values of our country, the Republic of Madagascar. “ The President’s father-in-law specified that “This article published in the Gazette des Comoros makes defamatory allegations of undue gravity. ” So is his request “issue an immediate correction to restore the truth”.
A false word. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) is also “bad” regarding the article in the Gazette des Comoros. The MAE clarified that the minister was going to go to the Comoros at the beginning of July 2024, but the Comorians are taking advantage of the closure of the borders between Madagascar and the islands to turn the situation to their advantage and issue -a fallacious law found by the ulterior. aimed at avoiding refunds that belong to the Malagasy State and will be deposited with the Central Bank upon return. The question could be the subject of a note from the MAE to the Comorian side.