Mara Venier’s surprise incursion into Citofonare Rai 2. Paola Perego thanks her: «She was next to my bed in hospital»
Sunday 4 February 2024 1.36pm Roberto Mallò
Mara Venier at Citofonare Rai2
Surprise raid by Mara Venier in today’s appointment Rai2 intercom. During the space dedicated to others Sanremo Festivalthe Sunday lady broke into the studio for welcome back toPaola Perego. A gesture that is not taken for granted and therefore much appreciated.
“There’s Mara Venier here, the queen of Sunday, who wants to come in… but welcome“
said Simona as she welcomed Venier, “before going for the restoration” ahead of the live broadcast of Sunday In of 2.00 pm. Ventura, visibly happy, also added:
“It’s wonderful, lay your hands on the ratings“.
As soon as Mara pointed out that she had gone there to welcome Paola after the operationPerego revealed:
“Let me tell you something, io I woke up from the anesthesia and I had this lady, sitting there, next to my bed. I don’t forget, thanks“.
Between one pleasantry and another, where there was no lack of self-deprecating attitude towards her ‘dressing room’ look, Mara then raised the possibility of a connection from Sanremo with Simona and Paola next week.
2024-02-04 12:36:00
#Mara #Veniers #surprise #incursion #Citofonare #Rai #Paola #Perego #bed #hospital