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Mapping the global spread of omikron

The latest, ultra-contagious corona variant omikron is spreading like wildfire. Since its discovery about three weeks ago, it has already established itself in 58 countries worldwide.

In the meantime, 4,691 infections with the latest virus variant omikron have been detected. Besides Belgium, there are 57 other countries where omikron was found in test samples. This is evident from the latest figures from Gisaid. South Africa (900), where the variant was discovered on November 24, and the United Kingdom (2338) lead the way in the number of roundabout accidents in absolute numbers. According to the Gisaid figures, Belgium has at least 91 infections with omikron.

Africa has the most infections in absolute numbers. This is mainly due to the high and rapidly rising figures in South Africa. The weekly average share of omikron in Africa is now 72 percent. This puts it (for the time being) far in the lead for Oceania (33.2 percent), South America (6.5 percent) and North America (5.2 percent). In Europe, the weekly average share of omikron is 4.5 percent. At 2.9 percent, Belgium scores slightly below the European average.

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