Home » today » News » Map of the coronavirus in Mexico: with 43 deaths, CDMX is the epicenter of the emergency, while Colima is the least affected

Map of the coronavirus in Mexico: with 43 deaths, CDMX is the epicenter of the emergency, while Colima is the least affected

In Mexico the number of cases of people infected by COVID-19 increased to 3,441 confirmed patients, reported the Ministry of Health (SSa). The figure of fatalities increased to 194.

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Unlike the previous days, now there was no accelerated increase. The states that continue with the highest number of infections were: Mexico City with 54 new ones, which leaves 909 infected in total, while the State of Mexico registered 45 new ones and it has 399 in total. Quintana Roo registered 16 new and it has 153 positives; Puebla had 15 new and 198 infected in total.

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In contrast, seven states did not record new cases, Colima has only seven infected, Zacatecas 11, Campeche 14 and they are the three with the least infected. While Aguascalientes is 53, Baja California Sur 68 and Jalisco 139, they did not show increases either.

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The Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, accompanied by the director general of the National Center for Blood Transfusion, Dr. Jorge Trejo Gómora, reported that there are 10,105 suspected cases, 17,950 negatives, and a total of 31,496 people studied.

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On the international scene, there is a total of 1,436,198 confirmed cases Worldwide. Of that total, 68%, or 973,441 cases, were confirmed in the last 14 days. It is a declining figure: Tuesday was 71% and Monday 74%. The overall case fatality rate increased to 6%.

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Europe began to decrease its contribution to the global burden of new cases, while America’s burden began to rise. The percentage of distribution of cases in the last 24 hours in Europe is 39,442 or 47.6%, while in America it is 37,294 or 45%.

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The undersecretary assured that, although there is no exact date, “we are about to enter phase three”Of the epidemic. I declare that in the next 15 days the country will reach a point where it will be resolved that transmission is sufficient scatters as to be considered phase three, in addition to the fact that there will be adjustments in the different epidemiological control measures. “Let’s not go ahead on the eve. When these measures come we will announce them in a timely manner

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Metropolitan areas continue to be the main points of infection: the metropolitan area of ​​the valley of Mexico, Mexico City, and the metropolitan area in the State of Mexico is where it is located the highest burden of disease in the country. López-Gatell assured that the graph with the map of the country and the national landscape will begin to change Color: Green to Yellow to Red, when it will mean there is a more active transmission.

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However, he clarified that although the entire state of a certain color is painted together, does not mean that there is a high intensity of transmission throughout the state. In Jalisco it is only the metropolitan area of Guadalajara. The same happens with Monterrey in Nuevo León.

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López-Gatell also stated that weekly estimates of confirmed cases will be made because the numbers of acute respiratory infections of the 26,000 health units in the country are required. This is how the estimate of the confirmed cases is made. This week the factor is 8.2, whereby if the number of confirmed cases is multiplied by the factor the estimated number of cases will be obtained.

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At today’s evening press conference it was confirmed the death of two pregnant women by COVID-19, the first of its kind in the country. They both suffered from morbid obesity, while one had high blood pressure and another had gestational diabetes. “You have to be careful with pregnant women and consider them susceptible people“He stated, before wishing that”rest in peace. It is very unfortunate

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The incidence rate of the number of people with disease considers the population that exists in each state. Incidence differences compare under equal conditions to states that have different population sizes.. The incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants in the country is 2.69.

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For example, Mexico City and Quintana Roo have different populations and therefore large differences in the number of cases, but the difference in incidence is not significant: 10.08 vs. 9.23, respectively. Baja California Sur is the third been with the highest rate at 8.45.

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In the distribution by age of the confirmed cases, López-Gatell announced that an adaptation will be made to the charts and they will begin to “Breakdown or disaggregation” for people over 65. The objective of the change is so that there is more clarity on “the difference in the risk of fatal outcomes” among the older population.

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The distribution of confirmed cases Outpatient clinics focus on age groups 30-34 and 35-39 years. However, the number of hospitalizations increases with the age of the groups, confirming that age is a risk factor. 70% of cases are hospitalized and 30% remain ambulatory.

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López-Gatell also explained that this last proportion will change significantly. While originally it was 20% of hospitalized and 80% ambulatory cases, and due to new stockings that recommend “stay home” if symptoms aren’t severeOutpatients will no longer be represented in that figure, but they will be represented in the estimates. People “directly treated” will be “overrepresented”.

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The status of the cases confirmed by evolution throughout the epidemic period, since February 28, are: Outpatients with 69.78% or 2,401 cases, stable hospitalized with 10.11% or 348, seriously hospitalized with 16.54% or 569, and hospitalized intubated with 3.57% or 123.

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The distribution of deaths has not had noticeable changes: the median age is 57 years and the range is 26 to 92 years. As age increases, so does mortality, however, the undersecretary also explained that “the immense burden of chronic diseases in the country explains the mortality among young people”. 72% of deaths in the country from COVID-19 belong to men and 28% to women.

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