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Map of outbreaks and infections today Monday, September 28

The new ones due to coronavirus cases maintain the levels of the previous day in practically all the autonomies, of which Madrid continues to hoard titles, for continuing to be the epicenter of the pandemic in Spain and for the still open conflict with the central government.

The general trend is that new infections decrease slightly, except in Cantabria, Murcia, Navarra and the Basque Country, but the number of hospital admissions increased in almost all regions, according to official data provided by some communities in which, among others, Madrid does not appear, which continues with its differences with the Executive of Pedro Sánchez.


Regarding outbreaks, in the Sierra de las Nieves residence in Guaro (Málaga) there are 89 cases (74 residents and 15 workers) and in the Mediterranean residence in Morón de la Frontera (Seville) there are 37 cases (34 residents and 3 workers ).

New outbreaks have also been declared in the Manantial de Vida residence in Benalmádena (Málaga) with 20 cases, and in the Aspromín social and health center, located in El Campillo (Huelva), with 23 confirmed cases.

The Rioja

The number of active COVID-19 outbreaks in La Rioja amounts to 34, compared to 25 yesterday; and, in quarantine, there are 1,635 people, 175 more than yesterday, when there were 1,460 in this situation.

Castile and Leon

As for active outbreaks, 48 ​​outbreaks are located in Ávila, four more than yesterday, with 291 linked cases, 17 more; 69 in Burgos, nine less, with 535 cases, 104 less than yesterday Saturday; 16 in León, three more, with 123 cases, 14 more; and 44 in Palencia, two more than yesterday, with 217 cases, three more.

In Salamanca outbreaks add 48 this Sunday, three less, with 592 active cases, 53 less; 30 in Segovia, two new, with 249 cases, nine more; and 31 in Soria, without changes, with 236 cases, with five more.

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