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Map of coronavirus outbreaks in Spain today Wednesday, July 8, 2020

With a positive from Asturias, the only autonomous community that remains without contagion is La Rioja. Outbreaks are occurring in almost all of Spain. Attention is focused especially on the Segrià region, in Lleida.

The fight against new coronavirus outbreaks is increasing. The Generalitat is considering imposing the use of the mask even if there is a safety distance, in the cases of Lleida. In the Guipuzcoan town of Ordizia, confinement is being ruled out for the moment. In A Mariña, there are three new cases.


Maximum alert in Lleida. The doctors warn that at the Arnau de Vilanova Hospital they have two plants prepared for coronavirus patients. The first floor has already been filled.

In the Segriá region, of the 68 people admitted, 8 are in the ICU. The health workers fear to repeat the figures of the pandemic. In the last 72 hours, 141 infections have been registered. Continue very strict controls continue at the accesses to the region. In the street they believe that after this regrowth there is a lot of irresponsibility.

In Barcelona the number of infections increases and goes back to the data of a month ago. They have added 107 positives in the last 24 hours. They are 40% of the cases detected in Catalonia.

According to the Catalan Health Ministry, there are 141 infected in the last three days, and 68 admitted to the hospital. Eight of them are in the ICU. The situation is so worrying that the The use of masks could be mandatory throughout Catalonia even if there is social distance.


The concern in Lugo also continues, over the A Mariña outbreak. In 24 hours, three new cases have been detected. And currently there are 121 cases of coronavirus. From this Sunday the region is confined for five days to avoid more infections.


In the last hours, a new coronavirus outbreak has been registered in Alacón (Teruel): there are eight infections within the same family. This focus is added to those registered in the Zaragoza region of Bajo Aragón-Caspe and in the Huesca regions of Bajo Cinca, Cinca Medio and La Litera.

The counties that continue in phase two due to outbreaks have a total of 144 positive cases of coronavirus.


Asturias has its first case of coronavirus after 25 days without any positive. Very far, at the moment, from being a regrowth, but Health remains vigilant for a possible increase in cases. The person is a man who had traveled to Asturias from Catalonia.


In Murcia, the four outbreaks of coronavirus located in Murcia, Cartagena, Torre Pacheco and in those arising from three travelers from Bolivia are considered controlled.

Castilla la Mancha

In Castilla-La Mancha there is a confined building in Albacete after the outbreak of a family that tests two positives for coronavirus.


The positive cases detected in a ship that was going to dock in Huelva, will pass the quarantine on board. There are three crew members who are infected, although they have no symptoms. The freighter is in international waters. Added to this are some 14 coronavirus outbreaks, the majority in Granada. There are also in Malaga, Cádiz, Huelva and Almería, with a total of 254 confirmed cases and 16 outbreaks of coronavirus.

There is also concern about a regrowth in Játar, Granada, due to a positive case. It is about a man who came from Bolivia to work in the fields during the summer. The town has only 600 inhabitants. 14 people are isolated with him.

Canary Islands

In the Canary Islands, migrants who tested positive for coronavirus remain isolated and who remain isolated in Fuerteventura.

Basque Country

In the Gipuzkoan town of Ordizia, the authorities have not considered it necessary to limit mobility, that is, to confine the population. At the moment there are 35 confirmed cases in this focus. It is believed that the first Ordizia infected comes from the regrowth of Lleida.


Navarra has two controlled outbreaks of coronavirus, one in the Pamplona region and another in the town of Sunbilla. At the moment the Navarrese Government will not close the accesses to the areas.

Castile and Leon

In Castilla y León, only the coronavirus outbreak is still active at the Río Hortega Hospital, in Valladolid, with several dozen infected among patients and staff at the center.

Valencian Community

Nine positive cases in Burjassot, of which six attended a family celebration. Health indicates that this outbreak of coronavirus is already controlled.


In Extremadura there are 17 police officers posted in the Badajoz prison, they are isolated after two of them have tested positive. The agents work in the area outside the jail, and have no contact with the prisoners. There are also three outbreaks in the Badajoz Health area, with 26 positive cases of coronavirus.


The Balearic Islands maintain three outbreaks of coronavirus with 15 positives and with 12 contacts under close surveillance.


The residents of this building in Santander will know today if they can leave after ten days of confinement. There are 15 positives among its 80 neighbors and they are waiting for the result of the new tests that have been done.


In the Community of Madrid it continues a focus with five mild cases of a company that are complying with the isolation in their homes.

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