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Map of Coronavirus Cases and Deaths by State in the USA: Today, March 26

Coronavirus infections continue to rise in the United States, and in the last hours, cases have skyrocketed in the American Union, which already exceeds 70,000 people infected and has become one of the main sources of the disease, as it is the Third country with more cases, only below China and Italy.

The increase in cases goes hand in hand with the increase in deaths, due to the coronavirus in the United States, since in the last two days, at least 500 people have lost their lives after being infected by COVID-19, something that has already put Donald Trump’s cabinet on high alert, which has declared a national emergency on US soil.

States with the most cases

New York State remains the primary focus of coronavirus in the United States. As of this Thursday morning, the Big Apple has reported 37,258 positive cases for COVID-19, 11,000 more than those reported on Wednesday morning, in addition to 19 new deaths, with a total of 385 deaths in the state. .

New Jersey is the state that remains on the list with the highest rate of positive cases, with a total of 4,402 infections by COVID-19, which has caused the death of 62 people, while California, Washington and Florida, complete the five states with the highest rate of infections in the United States, which so far totals 1,072 deaths from coronavirus.

Coronavirus cases by state in the USA

State Cases Deaths
New York 37,258 385
New Jersey 4,402 62
California 3,180 67
Washington 2,588 132
Florida 2,355 28
Michigan 2,295 43
Illinois 1,865 19
Massachusetts 1,838 15
Louisiana 1,795 65
Georgia 1,525 48
Texas 1,308 16
Pennsylvania 1,127 11
Colorado 1,086 19
Tennessee 906 3
Connecticut 875 19
Ohio 704 11
Indiana 645 17
North Carolina 636 2
Wisconsin 630 7
Maryland 580 4
Arizona 508 8
Mississippi 485 5
Virginia 460 13
Alabama 449 1
South Carolina 424 7
Nevada 420 10
Missouri 356 8
Minnesota 346 2
Utah 346 1
Arkansas 310 2
Oregon 266 10
District Of Columbia 231 3
Kentucky 198 5
Oklahoma 164 5
Iowa 145 1
Maine 142 0
N.H. 137 1
Rhode Island 132 0
Kansas 126 3
Vermont 123 8
Idaho 123 0
Delaware 119 0
New Mexico 112 1
Hawaii 95 1
Montana 71 0
Nebraska 64 0
Alaska 59 0
Wyoming 53 0
West Virginia 52 0
North Dakota 45 0
Dakota del Sur 41 1

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