Home » today » World » “Many were shocked by these meetings.” Gennady Gudkov spoke about the deterioration of Putin’s health

“Many were shocked by these meetings.” Gennady Gudkov spoke about the deterioration of Putin’s health

“I had the opportunity to double-check the information [российского историка] Valeria Solovya. I can tell you that indeed, in the summer of 2020, Putin’s health deteriorated. This does not mean that he was living his last days. I constantly cite the example that the United States during the Second World War was led by a president [Франклин Рузвельт] from a wheelchair. And he led very well. But the fact that Putin’s health deteriorated sharply in 2020 was noted by those who were admitted to his meetings. They were shocked, they saw Putin differently. But medicine is now such that it can help a person, achieve remission, improvements. And we see that there was no lethal outcome or downward movement in his health. Or we don’t see it yet,” said the ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

He also denied allegations of a possible transfer of power from the current president of the Russian Federation to his successor.

“I think that now Putin is undergoing some kind of temporary improvement. I don’t know if he will be able to lead the country in this state. But after the Kazakh events [протесты в Казахстане 2022 года] – we must admit this – there will be no voluntary transit of Putin’s power, which was planned. He realized that it was impossible to do this,” Gudkov stressed.


Video: Dmitry Gordon / YouTube


Putin has served as president of Russia since 2000, with a break in 2008-2012, when he was head of government. Now he is 69 years old.

In 2020 amended the constitutionwhich allow Putin to run again for the post of head of the Kremlin in 2024.

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