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Many people experience network problems with Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra

It started with an email from a reader in Norway. He writes:

“I was out early to buy one of the brand new Samsung mobiles, namely a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra with 512 GB of storage space. I chose to buy it, even though it was an expensive phone, but then you also expect the best.

Unfortunately, I discovered that the phone lost connection to the mobile network and those who tried to call me were told that I could not be reached because the subscriber had turned off the phone or was out of coverage.

The phone’s display showed that I had a signal and I could also call others. But while I was talking, I repeatedly dropped the sound from the conversation partner, while at the other end they heard “noise” like the roar of a signalless TV. This could last for 10-15 seconds before the sound came back so we could continue the conversation and after a while it could happen again and again.

After much troubleshooting, I came to the conclusion that these problems occur when you disable 4G (VoLTE), or that the phone is out of 4G coverage, ie when you only use the 3G / 2G network.

On March 10, I returned the phone to the dealer, and they had to send me a new phone, which then arrived on March 15. Satisfied, I unpacked and installed the new phone, but discovered that it had exactly the same problem as the one I returned!

On Samsung’s own forum, I also see that many others experience the same problem – in several countries. It seems to me that Samsung has managed to produce a top mobile that can not be used to make calls on a regular GSM network. “

After receiving this email, we have investigated the matter and been able to establish that a large number of users report identical or related problems with the new Samsung top model.

Just on Samsung’s own European forum there is a thread with the heading “Problems with the GSM network on the Galaxy S22 Ultra”, which so far fills 32 pages with a total of 310 comments! A similar discussion also exists Reddit and in a German language version on Samsung’s own forum.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
An excerpt from Samsung’s own European forum, where at the time of writing there are over 310 posts about network problems with the Galaxy S22 Ultra. (Photo: Peter Gotschalk)

Users’ complaints include:

  • They can not be called by others even if they have a full signal
  • The sound disappears for 10-15 seconds at a time during a call
  • It takes longer to establish a connection to other phones when you call them with the Galaxy S22 Ultra
  • It does not help to get a new SIM card
  • On the other hand, disabling 4G and 5G can solve the problem, but most users consider this to be a completely unacceptable emergency solution.
  • Apart from the above suggestions, Samsung’s support has not provided any useful help

The first posts appeared three weeks ago, while the last posts are from today. At no point during the intervening period has Samsung commented on the issue – neither on their discussion forum nor anywhere else.

Ljud & Bild therefore sent a couple of questions directly to Samsung in the Nordics and to Samsung’s PR agency on Monday. We asked:

  1. Is Samsung aware of this issue?
  2. What is the reason?
  3. What are you going to do about it?

We set a response deadline of two days later, namely yesterday at 17, but has not received a response from Samsung, which apparently does not want to comment on the matter.

Therefore, we want to ask you readers if you have experienced similar problems? And if someone has been in contact with Samsung’s customer service and possibly received an answer that actually solved the problem?

Feel free to write about your experience in the comments field below. We will follow up on the story as soon as we hear something from Samsung or we manage to find a solution to the problem.

1 thought on “Many people experience network problems with Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra”

  1. I have a Galaxy S22 Ultra 512GB, a version for the Czech market. I have vodafone sims in both slots. Sometimes the phone reports a loss of signal and I have to restart it completely. Operator keeps me texting about missed calls even I’m on the strong signal. When dialing, I sometimes wait up more then 30 seconds before the phone starts to respond and ringtone sound. The only reason I don´t sent him to the service is the fear of losing the settings due to the factory reset. I hope this is a software issue that Samsung will resolve it in a very early update.


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