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Many other complaints about noise pollution at Rotterdam The Hague airport

estuary of the Rhine

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estuary of the Rhine


News from the NOStoday, 17:04

The number of noise complaints in the vicinity of Rotterdam The Hague airport more than tripled in the period from May to July. In total, the Rijnmond Environmental Service received 35,751 reports of aircraft noise. In the same period last year there were 11,318.

A major difference from last year is that much less was flown due to the crown, the report writes in its report quarterly report. As a result, it was much busier this summer. estuary of the Rhine points out that Rotterdam The Hague Airport has also taken dozens of overloaded flights from Schiphol in recent months.

The increase in the number of complaints is also almost entirely attributable to holiday flights with larger aircraft, according to data from the Environmental Service. The number of reports of noises caused by helicopters (trauma and police) and small planes remained the same.

Business travelers

There has long been talk of the future of the airport between Rotterdam and The Hague. local residents point over and over that Rotterdam The Hague airport was intended as a small airport for business travelers and not for holiday flights.

The Rotterdam council factions of GroenLinks, PvdA, SP, PvdD and CU / SGP have declared at the end of last year a project in which the airport gives way to a green city park surrounded by ten thousand houses. The two major parties, Leefbaar Rotterdam and the VVD, are against the closure, but the issue is at the top of the political agenda.

Limit the sound space

Earlier this month Rotterdam The Hague Airport was reprimanded by the Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT). The airport is on track to exceed the noise floor for this year, Infrastructure Minister Mark Harbers wrote September 12 in the Chamber of Deputies. The “year” lasts until the end of October and the airport is already almost at the edge of the acoustic space at a measurement point.

Harbers stressed that the airport must quickly take steps to ensure it continues to comply with the rules. If an excess occurs at the end of the year of use, the ILT initiates an investigation. If the inspectorate concludes that the limit value has been unfairly exceeded, action can be taken.

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