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Many initiatives for World Ovarian Cancer Day

Global action is needed against ovarian cancer. The Ovarian Cancer Coalition reminds us of this on the occasion of 8 May, the World Day to raise awareness of this neoplasm which, according to estimates, will affect 12 million women worldwide by 2050. A day which Italy also takes part in, where every year around 6 thousand new diagnoses are recorded: “We share the initiative which focuses on overcoming disparities and inequalities between patients – he states Sandra Balboni, President of the Loto Odv association – Innovation and medical-scientific research are leading to the development of new anti-tumor treatments. They are usually very effective, more personalized than previous treatments and are able to give new chances to thousands of women. However, they must be made available to all women who have to face this difficult disease.”

Oncology care, strong disparities between Regions

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The risk factors

Ovarian cancer is a very complex pathology, as you also remember Rossana BerardiPresident of the Scientific Committee of Loto OdV and National Treasurer AIOM-Italian Association of Medical Oncology: “It presents very heterogeneous morphological characteristics and is divided into different subgroups. The risk conditions are above all endocrine factors: among these the most frequent are nulliparity, infertility or a first pregnancy over the age of 35. There are also other factors such as genetic ones and those linked to the presence of alterations associated with an increase in oncological risk. The most important are mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes which play a role also plays a role in breast and prostate cancer. On the contrary, multiparity, breastfeeding and prolonged use of oral contraceptives reduce the risk of onset”.

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“Until a few years ago we had no possibility of preventing ovarian cancer – he adds Giovanni Scambia, full professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Catholic University and director of the Oncological Gynecology Operational Unit of the Agostino Gemelli IRCCS University Polyclinic Foundation -. Today, however, advances in knowledge of the genetics of this tumor allow us to identify people at risk”. “For this reason we have created a clinic at Gemelli dedicated to the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with genetic predisposition”, he underlines Anna FagottiProfessor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Catholic University and Director of the Ovarian Carcinoma Unit of the hospital.

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Initiatives for World Ovarian Cancer Day

Also as part of World Ovarian Cancer Day, the “IO despite everything” project was born today for patients being treated at the Gynecology Oncology department of the Gemelli Polyclinic, to help them take care of their image. Group events will be organized to share ideas and tools to enhance oneself through the use of colours, clothing, accessories, make up and skin care, with the help of specialized consultants in collaboration with Asso Style Image (ASI).

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The Senate of the Republic will also join the Day and the façade of the institutional headquarters of Palazzo Madama in Rome will be illuminated in Tiffany blue, the symbolic color of the fight against the disease, on the night between 7 and 8 May. The webinar “One Healthon: focus on ovarian cancer and HPV” will then be held on 14 May, while on 15 May Ancona will host the second edition of the conference “Medico-legal evaluation aspects Oncology, Work, Invalidity” in collaboration with INPS. Finally, from 17 to 18 May, the “Ovarian and endometrial cancer” conference will be held in Bologna, sponsored by Loto OdV.

Ovarian cancer: why it is important to be treated in a specialist center and how to find it

by Irma D’Aria

The importance of turning to reference centers

“The disease should only be addressed by specialist doctors in reference centers from multidisciplinary pathology groups composed of gynaecologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists, anatomic pathologists and experts in supportive therapies – concludes Balboni – This does not always happen in Italy and therefore we recommend that patients and caregivers to only turn to centers with a high volume of interventions (that is, they treat many cases a year, ed.) where, not surprisingly, the best survival rates are recorded”.

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– 2024-05-10 06:49:55

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