Home » today » Business » Many can ride an automatic motorbike, but don’t know how to brake

Many can ride an automatic motorbike, but don’t know how to brake


Currently, motorcycle users in Indonesia are dominated by automatic scooters (scooters). However, according to the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) there are still many automatic motorbike riders who make the wrong braking, especially on downhill roads.

Not a few accidents caused by automatic motorcycle brake failure on the derivative. The results of the KNKT investigation show that one of the main factors causing automatic motorcycle accidents on derivative roads is the continuous use of excessive brakes. Excessive use of brakes will cause a vapor lock phenomenon or the presence of water vapor in the braking system, so that it can malfunction or commonly known as brake failure.

Vehicles traveling downhill in general, in addition to using the brakes, will also use the engine brake to reduce the speed of the vehicle by using engine rotation resistance.

The problem is, not many people understand the use of the engine brake method, especially automatic motorcycles. In a presentation by PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), information was obtained that the engine brake feature with an automatic motor will function at a speed of approximately 11 km/hour by holding the throttle low so that the clutch is connected. That makes the higher rear wheel speed can be held by the low engine speed.

That’s what not many motorcycle users know. KNKT urges automatic motorcycle manufacturers to provide socialization and education to users by providing a safe driving guide book and one of the contents of the material contains procedures for driving on downhill roads. The manual is provided along with the maintenance manual that the buyer obtains when buying a new motorcycle.

“In addition, the government, in this case the Ministry of Transportation, is expected to provide information and socialization to the entire community so that they don’t push their vehicles too much, using vehicles according to the functions and capabilities of each vehicle,” said the KNKT in a written statement.

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