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Many believe they are buying great fruit and vegetables but bring home the worst there is

Choosing the right vegetables at the supermarket isn’t always easy. Those fresh and rich in nutrients give us many benefits for our body and it is no coincidence that they are recommended by many experts. However, many believe they are buying great fruit and vegetables but bring home the worst there is.

Great benefits

A balanced diet allows for great health benefits. It is no coincidence that the famous is increasingly studied Mediterranean diet for its positive effects. It is a diet that favors fruit, vegetables and fish, with a more limited consumption of red meats. According to the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, the Mediterranean Diet represents the best solution to protect health from cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

Watch out for vegetables

But you also need to know how to choose fruit and vegetables. When you enter the supermarket you are the first to meet this department.

On the shelves in October we will be able to find apples, kiwis, persimmons, mandarins, clementines, lemons, pomegranates and chestnuts as fruit. Among the vegetables we can choose between radicchio, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip greens, cabbage, cabbage, chicory, pumpkin, spinach, mushrooms, truffles and walnuts.

However, it is not uncommon to find other types of fruit, but especially vegetables.

Many believe they are buying great fruit and vegetables but bring home the worst there is

Among the fruit we have the eternal bananas, but we could marvel at strawberries and melon. We might ask ourselves why, but the answer is simple: we find out-of-season foods on the shelves. From October there should be no melon, watermelon, red fruits, strawberries, figs.

As vegetables we should not find on the stalls in the autumn period: lettuce (April-June period), cucumbers (June-September), chicory (December-July). Then aubergines (July-October), peppers (July-October), tomatoes (June-September), courgettes (July-October). Again asparagus (April-June), green beans (June-September), rocket (March-September), carrots (February-October) and beets (July-October).

The advantage of consuming seasonal products consists in having products that are not only of good quality, but also the most suitable for that time of year. It is no coincidence that mandarins and oranges start between October and November, precisely to help the body withstand the cold season, thanks to the contribution of vitamin C.

Eating off-season produce has the same effect as having a cup of hot chocolate with cognac on August 15th in full sun.

Beware of off-season products

Out-of-season foods are produced in greenhouses or are imported. Those produced in greenhouses undergo unnatural growth, where they recreate temperatures that have disappeared in nature. In addition, to make them mature and not to spoil them in contact with true temperatures, they are sprayed with pesticides. This does not happen with seasonal products, at least not in massive doses.

For a diet that respects nature and enriches the body with elements suitable for the time of year, we always choose seasonal fruit and vegetables.

there an application for the phone which helps to choose products at the supermarket well.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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