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Manuela Gómez tearfully announced that she left Medellín in the middle of a pandemic

Through videos, the former protagonist of the novel -Manuela Gómez-, told her followers that she left Medellín and that at the moment, she has no plans to return.

And it is that in the video, Manuela tells that: “In Medellín, unfortunately there was nothing left that interested me, that’s why I left town, I went away, without caring absolutely anything, I am going to start from scratch in another place”.

Manuela Gómez: “It was a difficult quarantine in many ways and it still is”

The former protagonist of the novel, says that although she feels proud of herself and feels calm, she had to give up what she says “very hard things” and that although in social networks a face is shown, in reality on many occasions, it is false and it does not represent the reality of ‘being well’.

However, Manuela says she wants to move on and that although she left “the dark world” in Medellín, life smiled on her again.

For the moment, the place where Manuela plans to start from scratch and build a new life is unknown.

Watch the video:

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