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Manuel Hagel Calls for More Binding Primary School Recommendations with Test: CDU Leader’s Proposal for Education Reform

Education Hagel is in favor of recommending primary schools with a test

Manuel Hagel, state chairman of the CDU Baden-Württemberg, photographed in the state parliament in Stuttgart during a dpa interview. photo

© Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

If Baden-Württemberg returns to nine-year high schools, the CDU believes that the primary school recommendation must become more binding. Party leader Hagel favors a model with additional testing.

CDU party leader Manuel Hagel has spoken out in favor of a more binding primary school recommendation, which also includes a competency test for fourth graders. For the CDU, the path to a more modern G9 is linked to a more binding primary school recommendation, Hagel told the German Press Agency in Stuttgart. Stability and planning are needed. “We are convinced that the two-out-of-three model can be a key to cleverly combining all interests: a competency test, the parents’ wishes and the teacher’s recommendation.” In this model, the agreement of two of the three criteria would determine the recommendation of the secondary school.

The green-red state government abolished the binding nature of primary school recommendations for the 2012/2013 school year; since then, parents have been free to decide which type of school their child should attend after primary school. Since 2017/2018, parents have had to present the recommendation when registering their children for secondary school.

Since this school year, primary schools have been able to voluntarily take part in central class tests in the subjects of German and mathematics. The “Compass 4” is intended to offer teachers and parents “additional guidance when making school career decisions at the end of primary school with the help of nationwide uniform and therefore comparable results,” the Ministry of Culture announced at the beginning of the school year.

When it comes to the question of how and when exactly the country will return to nine-year high schools, the CDU leader expects a quick agreement within the green-black coalition. “All the facts are now on the table, and we as the CDU hope that we can come to a decision quickly and communicate it so that the parents and children in the country know where they stand,” said Hagel. This must happen before the state parliament deals with the popular proposal to return the G9, said Hagel. Parliament is expected to decide on the application from a parents’ initiative, which had collected more than 100,000 signatures, in mid-April.

From the CDU’s point of view, the most important thing in educational policy is language promotion in the area of ​​early childhood education. With the help of a funding package and additional tests, the state government wants to address language problems among children in daycare centers and primary schools. “We believe we can massively reduce the burden on primary schools if we raise the language level of the students,” said Hagel. In a further step, additional skills of primary school students would also have to be strengthened, demanded the CDU parliamentary group leader. “For us, it’s about early childhood education with the head, heart and hands. That’s why, in addition to language, motor and mathematical skills are important to us. Empathic skills are also very important: what we call decency – simple things like asking and thank you.”

With a view to the talks on an educational alliance between the opposition and the government – i.e. about educational reforms that should last for the duration of a legislative period – Hagel appeared open, but at the same time set a red line: “We are prepared to look at everything with an open mind. But for us the secondary school has a guarantee of survival.” The CDU wants to strengthen secondary schools – “by organizing our school landscape and concentrating educational offerings”. You shouldn’t badmouth the type of school, just like the secondary school, said Hagel. “These are great educational paths that also lead to great educational careers.”


2024-03-30 12:31:05
#Hagel #favor #recommending #primary #schools #test

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