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Mantri administers lethal injection to village chief, fatal aftermath of Sidiadryl Diphenhydramine?


Some time ago, residents of Curug Goong Village, Serang Regency were shocked by the case of the village head’s lethal injection paramedics. The perpetrator is known to have injected sidiadryl diphenhydramine liquid into the victim.

Wakapolres Serang Kota AKBP Hujra Soumena said the substance was injected into the left side of the back of the victim, before he died. The motive for the murder was the perpetrator’s jealousy after seeing a photo of the victim and his wife.

“In the process of examining the victim’s witness, we obtained a chronology of events where the perpetrator used a syringe which had been filled with a liquid drug, namely sidiadryl diphenhydramine,” AKBP Hujra told reporters at the Serang City Police.

What is Sidiadryl Diphenhydramine?

According to Gadjah Mada University (UGM) pharmacy expert Prof. Zullies Ikawati, sidiadryl diphenhydramine liquid is an anti-allergic drug. Usually, these liquids can also be used to relieve symptoms of fever, cough and the common cold.

“Actually it contains diphenhydramine. An anti-allergic drug, sidiadryl is the brand name,” he explained when contacted by detik.com Tuesday (14/3).

Prof. Zullies emphasized that the use of the drug sidiadryl diphenhydramine is harmless as long as it is given according to the doctor’s instructions. Even so, it is not impossible that the effect will be fatal if given in high doses.

“It’s actually not a dangerous drug if it’s used according to the indications, if it’s an overdose it can be dangerous. If the goal is to kill, it’s possible to inject it not according to the dosage rules,” he continued.

Quoted from Medical News Today, diphenhydramine is available in oral (drinking) or topical (outside) medications. Among them:

  • Drinking tablets
  • Capsules filled with oral liquid (gel)
  • Chewable tablets
  • Oral solution
  • Topical cream
  • Topical gels
  • Topical spray
  • Topical stick

Side effects

Quoted from Web MDthe substance diphenhydramine itself can trigger mild to severe side effects such as the following:

  • Sleepy
  • Dizzy
  • Constipation
  • Stomach ache
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry mouth/nose/throat.

Sidiadryl diphenhydramine is a drug that is only used for the short term. The side effects if the substance is used in the long term, including:

  • Memory problems and dementia (especially in the elderly)
  • Anxiety
  • Dependency

Therefore, the drug diphenhydramine is a strong drug whose use must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Serious allergic reactions that can occur if you receive these hard drugs include:

  • Stupid
  • Itching/swelling especially on the face/tongue/throat)
  • Severe headache
  • Difficulty breathing

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