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“Mantab Hijrah: Aming Kepert’s Admirable Move while Wearing a Black Peci and Holding Al Quran”

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Early Astari | Insertlive

Monday, 20 Mar 2023 23:00 WIB

Aming Caught Wearing a Black Cap and Holding the Koran, Steadfast in Hijrah?/Photo: Instagram/@amingisback

Jakarta, Insertlive

Comedian Aming in recent weeks has appeared more masculine and Islamic by wearing a koko shirt and a cap.

The owner of the full name Aming Supriatna Sugandhi is also said to have moved and deepened the Islamic religion.

The news about Aming’s move intensified after a candid photo of him was uploaded to his Instagram account @arnold_pamungkas.

In the upload, Evelyn Anjani’s ex-husband was caught on camera sitting in a room wearing a black cap and holding an Al Quran.

“MasyaAllah,,, hope you stay strong, Minky,” said @arnold_pamungkas in his upload statement.

Meanwhile, Aming, who was recently met by journalists, was reluctant to discuss his migration journey.

He admits that he just wants to be a better human being at his no longer young age.

“Yes, the name is human, the field is a mistake. I personally think, yes, I want to be even better,” said Aming.

“You’re getting older, right? So hopefully you can have a higher quality life,” he added explaining.

This 42-year-old man also hopes that he can istikamah in emigration. He enjoys the process without rushing to think about what will happen in the future.

“Just istikamah, I see that people’s good intentions always think that change is more of a goal, right? You don’t have to think there clearly. Just a consistent process, just a process of istikamah, you don’t have to have an intention for Allah. It’s as simple as that,” said Aming.

“So there’s no change, it’s normal, it’s just on going again clear and running, so I’m always on hashtag istikamah because that’s what I live,” he concluded.


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