A 26-year-old Taiwanese man preparing for a crucial exam experienced a sudden and frightening health scare. While reaching for a bag of fried chicken, his right arm went numb, causing him to drop teh food. this alarming incident led to a diagnosis that shocked both him and his doctors: acute ischemic stroke.
Dr. Yang Ziwen,a specialist in weight loss,revealed the young man’s severe obesity and alarmingly high blood pressure,sugar,and blood fat levels. “He had a habit of eating fried food with every meal and regularly consumed bubble tea,” Dr. Ziwen explained, highlighting these as significant risk factors for his health.
“When the doctor examined his history, it was found that this man was 165 cm tall, weighed 120 kg, and had a BMI as high as 45.7, which was classified as severely obese,” Dr.Ziwen shared on Facebook. “In addition, he had many congenital diseases, such as high blood pressure. high blood lipids, accumulated blood sugar (HbA1c) rising to 10%, and triglyceride levels exceeding 1,000, which is 7 times higher than normal. All these factors are the main causes of acute ischemic stroke. The most important root cause is obesity.”
The man underwent emergency surgery to remove a blood clot and spent five days in the hospital before returning home. This near-death experience served as a wake-up call, prompting him to seek counseling for weight loss.
Dr. Ziwen emphasized the dangers of a diet heavy in fried foods. “fried chicken and other fried foods are delicious, but they also carry many dangers,” he warned. “Fried foods are high in trans fat and saturated fat. This increases bad cholesterol (LDL) and reduces good cholesterol (HDL),causing a significant risk of atherosclerosis,heart disease,and stroke.”
He further explained that the batter and sugary ingredients used in frying can cause blood sugar spikes, potentially leading to insulin resistance and diabetes. Additionally, the high sodium content in fried foods can elevate blood pressure, putting extra strain on the heart and kidneys.
After three months of medication, dietary changes, and exercise, the man’s health showed significant betterment. His accumulated blood sugar (HbA1c) decreased from 10% to 6.5%, and he lost 15 kilograms. This remarkable turnaround underscores the importance of lifestyle changes in preventing and managing serious health conditions.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. By making conscious choices to prioritize nutritious foods and regular physical activity, individuals can considerably reduce their risk of developing serious health problems.
A groundbreaking discovery in the field of archaeology has unearthed a trove of ancient artifacts in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The find, hailed as one of the most significant in recent decades, sheds new light on the complex history and elegant culture of pre-Columbian civilizations in South America.
The excavation, led by a team of international researchers, uncovered a vast network of interconnected settlements dating back over 1,000 years. Among the remarkable discoveries are intricately carved stone sculptures, elaborate pottery adorned with vibrant designs, and remnants of sophisticated agricultural systems.
“This discovery completely reshapes our understanding of the pre-columbian world,” said Dr. Elena Ramirez, lead archaeologist on the project. “It demonstrates the remarkable ingenuity and cultural richness of these ancient societies, who thrived in this challenging environment for centuries.”
The artifacts provide compelling evidence of a highly organized society with advanced knowledge of agriculture, architecture, and art. The intricate carvings and pottery designs suggest a deep connection to nature and a sophisticated understanding of symbolism.
“The level of detail and craftsmanship in these artifacts is truly remarkable,” remarked Dr. Ramirez. “It’s a testament to the skill and creativity of these ancient people.”
The discovery has sparked intense interest among archaeologists and historians worldwide. Researchers are eager to further analyze the artifacts and uncover more secrets about this lost civilization.The findings promise to rewrite history books and provide invaluable insights into the cultural tapestry of the Americas before European contact.
The team plans to continue excavating the site for several more years, hoping to uncover even more treasures and deepen our understanding of this remarkable ancient culture.

The discovery serves as a powerful reminder of the rich and diverse history of the Americas, and the enduring legacy of its ancient civilizations.
## World Today News Expert Interview: Silent Threat – How Fried Food Nearly Killed a 26-Year-Old
This World Today News exclusive interview delves into the shocking case of a 26-year-old Taiwanese man who suffered a stroke while reaching for fried chicken. We spoke with Dr. Yang Ziwen, a specialist in weight loss, to understand the underlying factors that led to this alarming incident and the crucial lessons it holds for us all.
**WTN:** Dr. Ziwen, this young man’s case seems incredibly unusual. Can you tell us what transpired?
**Dr. Ziwen:** This was a deeply concerning case. This young man experienced sudden numbness in his right arm, a classic symptom of stroke, while simply reaching for fried chicken. While rare in someone his age, further examination revealed a serious case of acute ischemic stroke.
**WTN:** What were the contributing factors to this young man’s stroke?
**Dr.Ziwen:** His BMI of 45.7 qualified him as severely obese.Coupled with this, he had alarmingly high blood pressure, sugar, and blood fat levels.He admitted to a diet high in fried foods and regular consumption of bubble tea, both meaningful risk factors.
**WTN:** How did his diet contribute to his health scare?
**Dr. Ziwen:** Fried foods like fried chicken are laden with trans fat and saturated fat. These increase bad cholesterol and decrease good cholesterol,contributing substantially to atherosclerosis,heart disease,and stroke.
The batter and sugary ingredients contribute to blood sugar spikes, potentially leading to insulin resistance and diabetes. High sodium content further elevates blood pressure, putting extra strain on the heart and kidneys.
**WTN:** Was this a wake-up call for him?
**Dr. Ziwen:** Absolutely. This near-death experience prompted him to seek guidance for weight loss and lifestyle changes.
**WTN:** What impact did these changes have on his health?
**Dr. Ziwen:** After three months of medication, a healthier diet, and exercise, his accumulated blood sugar (HbA1c) decreased significantly from 10% to 6.5%, and he lost 15 kilograms.This remarkable turnaround demonstrates the power of lifestyle changes in managing serious health conditions.
**WTN:** What is your message to our readers based on this case?
**Dr. Ziwen:** This case is a stark reminder that seemingly harmless dietary choices can have serious consequences. By being mindful of our diet and incorporating balanced meals, regular exercise, and healthy habits into our lives, we can significantly reduce our risk of developing life-threatening conditions like stroke.
**Conclusion**: This interview sheds light on the silent threat posed by unhealthy dietary choices. By understanding the risks and taking proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle, we can empower ourselves to live longer, healthier lives.